Universitat Politècnica de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Visits to companies through fieldwork are of great importance in the pedagogical process of students of technical education, since the abandonment of the classroom is an incentive for the student, and the information acquired from visits is always more attractive and valuable to him. Besides, field visits can alleviate the limitations associated with the lack of material, machinery or specific instrumentation of a particular subject. However, there can always be doubts if the student learned something from these visits. Variables such as group size can also influence knowledge acquisition. The present study shows the results of an anonymous opinion survey that has been passed to the students of the last course of Chemical Engineering Degree (whose maximum number of students is 30) and Mechanical Engineering Degree (with students by subjects higher than 70). The results of the surveys show how students positively value the fact of leaving the classroom, but if a subsequent practice related to the activity is not carried out, they do not assimilate the knowledge previously seen in the classroom. Also, in large groups of students (first Mechanical Engineering Degree courses), there are considerable limitations such as transport logistics, company availability, and time invested in conducting fieldwork, which practically discards their application.Keywords:
Fieldwork, Technical Education, Group Size, STEM Education.