1 Western Norwegian University of Applied Sciences (NORWAY)
2 Volda University College (NORWAY)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN20 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 6741-6749
ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1756
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The changing situation in our society makes it necessary to change the educational approach in higher education. Teaching approach should be modified to reach students in different situations, especially when a quick transfer of teaching through an online platform has been anticipated. At the moment there are many different approaches and methods describing how to transfer knowledge to the students. One of the more traditional is Lecture Based Learning (LBL) based on the traditional model: teacher - (whiteboard) - students. Another similar method is Class Based Learning (CBL). In these methods the acquisition of knowledge postures in the process: (knowledge retention): memorisation ability: repeat, reproduce, recall. The Teacher is the central element with authority and wisdom and students are more passive in the process. They are to "only" acquire knowledge.

After being inspired by Dewey's "learning by doing", several other theories have emerged which consist in increasing the role of the student in the process of knowledge transfer. Those methods can be called "student-centred pedagogy". There are many approaches, including Problem Based Learning (PBL), Project Based Learning (PBL), Design Based Learning (DBL), Design Thinking (DT) and many others. These methods will emphasize certain elements and at the same time marginalize others. Often, the new method criticize the previous one and proposes further modifications. Unfortunately, the exact definitions depend on the presenting institutions and it is difficult to compare them directly.

The properties of all approaches: common elements (problem solving, knowledge acquisition, enhanced group collaboration and communication) and separate elements (importance of particular elements, the order they are executed, different definitions and theoretical frames). All the methods require structure, knowledge and transparency to better understand how to execute them. They also need new kind of assessment forms and organizational changes, designed to evaluate the learning process with the criteria related to the teaching and learning approach. These theories agree that the role of the student should be greater - this is done by increasing student activity and defining requirements. Students should not only listen to lectures, but rather be active - preferably in practical application of the theory thought.

Another aspect that makes it difficult to implement specific methods is the way of teaching: local/physical or remote (e-learning: synchronous or asynchronous). There are many software packages as Content Management System (CMS) or Learning Management System (LMS). Those software systems utilize some elements from various teaching methods, but they are not consistent, and mostly supports just a few approaches. At present, there is no clear classification or standardisation of how and which methods are used by particular learning management systems.

This paper will try to systematize practical teaching concepts for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) students. The authors will present ideas based on theory of learning, pedagogical principles and concepts, to discuss the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the different learning models. After analysing how different elements are used and where they are used successfully, the paper will attempt to classify different approaches and suggest some practical solutions both for physical and digital teaching.
STEM education, PBL, student-centred pedagogy, teaching concepts.