1 International Hellenic University (GREECE)
2 University of Western Macedonia (GREECE)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9796-9805
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1982
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In March 2020 in Greece, when the world was facing Covid19 crisis, all schools and universities were closed and lectures were cancelled. A few days later, tertiary education teaching staff were recommended to use e-learning platforms for teaching. At first, not all students were ready to attend online courses, since many of them did not have their laptops or tablets with them in their accommodation places. In a couple of weeks, both teachers and students prepared themselves, got used to the new situation and all Greek University exams were performed online in June and September 2020.
This paper attempts to study the students’ readiness and point of view about online courses at university level, as well as their stress emotions. Data were collected from 247 students by questionnaire. Factors such as digital readiness, digital ability, experience, skills, and stress emotions were investigated along with their impact on students’ intention to attend online courses. The study explores whether students' stress-emotional feelings result from their readiness or not for distance learning.
Descriptive statistic methods are used to analyze the questionnaire responses as well as parametric methods to test our hypotheses about e-learning usage, digital ability and student emotions during the pandemic crisis. Logistic regression is used to estimate the relation between face-to-face course preference and digital readiness, digital experience, negative and positive stress emotions.
e-learning, University student, student emotions.