Universidad Veracruzana (MEXICO)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN17 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 8580-8582
ISBN: 978-84-697-3777-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2017.0597
Conference name: 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2017
Location: Barcelona, Spain
As a strategy of educational innovation in the classroom, the Veracruzana University incorporated the Aula Project (Classroom Project) to impart its Educational Experiences (EEs), based on a methodology and integration of the knowledge of each EE, aiming to demonstrate the competences of students and provide solution to the needs of the organizations, with the elaboration of a project, in which the teaching-learning process is applied, so that the students, through the incorporation of the knowledge acquired in the classroom, develop skills and attitudes, proposing strategies for making professional decisions and solving real problems.

Starting from the elaboration of an Instructional Design, it is relevant the participation of the teacher in the classroom in a systematic way to follow each of the actions required in the accomplishment of the tasks in order to point out performance objectives in terms of complexity, research, technology, actions, performance conditions, tools and execution standards, that are established according to each EE the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for the egress profile, also the previous knowledge that allows them to develop the competencies raised; validated by tasks or projects defined by the teacher according to the performance objectives set out in the Design.
Learning tasks are representations or simplifications of authentic real-life tasks that professionals perform to fulfill their function. The basis for their design is competences or sub-competences, learning, performance standards, in the context of a comprehensive university education that promotes complex thinking, innovative attitude using communication technologies. Learning tasks can be typified by the level of learning that is sought to achieve and evaluate.

Develop an educational strategy in the different disciplines of vocational training at Veracruzana University through an Instructional Design for the development of professional skills.

The Veracruzana University is aware of the professional training needs of its students to achieve an egress profile according to the standards, conventions and parameters of one or several disciplines according to the scientific advances in the era of knowledge that characterizes this century and that should be applied on the basis of the application of current information technologies, in the context of a global economic environment of complex social and commercial business relations; University needs to provide their students with previous experiences and background in their learning processes through the curricular programs with the certainty of a decision making based on the competencies acquired in their learning processes, which can be achieved in all educational programs through the application of the Aula Project as an important educational tool that will allow us to achieve the optimal levels of quality that the institution wishes to achieve as goals in its social commitment to the country and the internationalization of its educational processes.
Educational Experience (EE), Project Classroom, Instructional Design (DI), Competences, sub-competences.