Universidad Técnica de Manabi (ECUADOR)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 6626-6629
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1761
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
Learning physics in basic courses requires students to apply the concepts, laws and principles of physics to the different systems that are present in it and incorporate the modeling process using experiments. A model is a system of objects, symbols, and relationships that represent another system in a different medium. Besides, modeling, it is the process of building and using models that resemble a physical reality, so that it can be explained considering its simplifications and therefore its limitations. Consequently, the purpose of modeling is to determine how different elements of the system interact. While experiment is an arrangement of equipment’s and materials in order to explain the model under study.

Therefore, the purpose of this study was to apply the experimental modeling to improve the performance of students who are studying physics offered to the different engineering careers of an Ecuadorian public university. The subjects were 70 students who were studying the subject of physics. The evaluation instruments were the posttest consisting of 25 questions and lasted two hours. The students during the intervention did four experiments, which were different from those they do in lab classes. For each experiment they had to plan it, to see and extract the data, after the data were obtained, they were tabulated. The data was then plotted using the technological tools to build graphs, then from the graph they made the curve adjustment and obtained the mathematical model that describes the system. Then they interpreted the graph. If the experiment had an analytical solution, they compared the experimental results with the analytical ones and could see within the experimental error the difference between the two systems, the actual system and the ideal system. The reports of the experiment were to be submitted following the communication of scientific papers. The 35 students belonging to the control group received the instruction in the traditional manner while the 35 students belonging to the experimental group received the same content and using the modeling process. At the end of instruction, the posttest was taken to both groups. The experimental design used is one shown below.
X1 O1
X2 O2

Where X1 represents the control group and X2 represent the experimental group. The posttest corresponds to the observations O1 and O2. The line in the middle indicates the fact that the groups were intact. The statistical analysis applied was the Gosset test with a confidence level of p < 0.05. The Gosset test gave a value of t = 2.4654, df =68 and a p value of 0.0162. Therefore, the research hypothesis was accepted, and the null hypothesis was rejected. This study proved that those students who learn to model an experiment perform better and the results obtained support this hypothesis. In addition, students demonstrated a better conceptual understanding than the students in the control group. Another explanation for the results obtained is that this intervention promotes the meaningful learning and the transfer of learning. Besides, they also acquire research competencies.
Model, Modeling, Experiment, Physics, Laboratory.