Rush University (UNITED STATES)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2010 Proceedings
Publication year: 2010
Page: 1531 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-614-2439-9
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 3rd International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 15-17 November, 2010
Location: Madrid, Spain
The classic triad describing the academic mission is scholarship, service, and teaching. In fact, promotion and tenure decisions are based on how faculty performs in each of these areas. However, few doctoral programs offer more than a cursory overview of the teaching experience despite the fact that most PhD graduates assume positions in academia. The shortage of nursing faculty related to the aging faculty workforce makes it even more imperative that PhD graduates are prepared to be leaders in nursing education.
In 2008, the PhD Curriculum Committee convened a task force to develop a strategy to incorporate nursing education into the PhD curriculum. The task force determined that an online course based on the core competencies of nurse educators promulgated by the National League for Nursing (NLN) would serve as the framework for the content. Application of the content would occur in a clinical course the subsequent quarter. The course content would be organized into three modules: The Teacher, Learner, and Learning Environment; The Basics of Curriculum and Course Design; and Evaluation of the Learner, Course, Program and Institution. The modular format of the course would allow for variable credit enrollment, 1- 3 hours, complementing the student’s formal educational background and prior teaching experience.
The first offering of the didactic course was in spring 2010. The co-course directors conducted phone interviews with each potential student to assess the student’s prior teaching experience in didactic and clinical courses. Prior teaching experience included educational coursework, continuing education in the areas of teaching and learning, teaching experience, and teacher certification. Following the didactic course, students enrolled in a clinical course with experiences designed to best support their interests and/or needs relative to nursing education. This approach allowed flexibility for the student to engage in experiences that would address their learning needs, to build on prior knowledge, and to individualize their program of study.
Measurement of expected outcomes, student data, and satisfaction would be obtained through several means:
• Student feedback to course directors
• PhD advisor feedback
• Summative student course evaluations
• End of program evaluations
• Post-program surveys of graduates to determine how well prepared they are for their roles in nursing education
Students completed the first offering of the didactic course in mid-June 2010. Preliminary feedback we’ve received from students has been very positive. One student said, “(I) had no idea there was so much involved in teaching!” Most comments related to the value of learning about evaluation- of students, classes, and the institution as a whole. Feedback from PhD advisors has been positive. Additionally, an administrator from another college within the university would like to have the courses opened to their students and faculty.
We believe with this addition to the curriculum, Rush University College of Nursing is preparing PhD graduates to be future leaders to advance research, education, and health outcomes.