Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 8197-8203
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1936
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Motivation for learning and the ability to learn, as well as the organisation of the study and free time, are expected skills, according to teachers, which pupils should gradually acquire. However, schools do not emphasise them enough. Conversations with chemistry teachers in elementary schools revealed that these findings are also confirmed qualitatively. The motivation for learning and work is often associated with external factors (grading, motivation for studying at secondary level).

The paper emphasises the importance and justification of educating primary school pupils in chemistry, emphasising motivation and creating conditions for adopting a healthy lifestyle. It stimulates motivation and enables effective time management between learning and relaxation. The outcome should be creating a better school environment that supports the development of pupils’ learning and work skills through implementing new educational programs, training teachers on motivation support, and strengthening cooperation between teachers, pupils, and parents.

The selected theme utilises the questionnaire method to fulfil educational objectives, reflecting teachers’ experiences in the educational process. The questionnaire items were designed to provide an overview of the situation in selected schools while monitoring important data about motivational factors influencing pupils’ interest in chemistry. The sample consisted of 20 respondents, students in advanced studies. The respondents were in-service teachers aware of their pupil’s needs and motivated by educational goals and tasks they must fulfil.

The aspects considered in the questionnaire questions regarding pupil motivation are as follows: meaningfulness of the curriculum, diverse educational methods, pupil engagement, challenges and aims, curriculum personalisation, skill and talent development, creating a positive environment, collaboration with parents, modern technologies, and role modelling. According to the results of the questionnaire administered to students in advanced studies, pupils exhibit low levels of internal motivation towards learning chemistry, demonstrate relatively low self-confidence in problem-solving and acquiring manual skills, and develop intellectual and social abilities during the execution of pupil experiments. In-service teachers’ experiences within advanced studies education suggest that emphasis should be placed not only on acquiring isolated knowledge but also on the area of learning, including information retrieval and processing. The explanation of the curriculum by qualified teachers is a significant factor in educational activities, especially in a subject like chemistry, which requires the integration of multiple natural science subjects.

Successful motivation leads to better outcomes, improves attitudes towards learning, and supports overall pupil development. It’s necessary to still develop learning habits in pupils, indicating an awareness of the importance of the ability to learn and be continuously educated. The amis is internal motivation and the desire to learn for one’s own needs, the importance of fostering interest in understanding not only in the context of acquiring a specific level of education but also for self-development purposes, seeking opportunities for self-realisation, finding hobbies, utilising leisure time, etc., should also be considered. Teachers see pupils' motivation as necessary in developing a knowledge base.
Motivation, teacher, method, innovation.