Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4748-4753
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1225
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The future professional performance of building graduates becomes highly dynamic and drives towards constant training. With the entry into force of the European Green Deal, the integration of circular economy criteria in buildings has become a real necessity and the training of building graduates in waste management must be adapted to the new European Directives. On the other hand, construction companies are increasingly demanding experts to work in their ESG (Environmental Social Governance) areas, driven by the need to integrate the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda into their daily activity. In this context, the present call for educational innovation projects has been seen by the members of the GIE in Applied Physics as an opportunity to promote a change in the subjects of technological innovation, betting on promoting the critical thinking of students and integrating sustainability strategies in a multidisciplinary context.

This educational innovation proposal is part of the Challenge-Based Learning (ABR) methodology and the application of Design Thinking to promote critical thinking and the search for optimal solutions. In this way, the design of educational challenges that allow the development of the specific and transversal competencies of the degree is proposed, working actively in the search for solutions to move towards sustainable construction. With the design of these challenges and their application in the classroom, the aim is to improve the starting level of scientific and technological knowledge of the students, their motivation and performance compared to previous years, and the development of social and communication skills that are increasingly in demand in the industry. In this way, it is constituted as a methodology of high added value for university teaching where students focus on addressing current problems, favoring a collaborative environment based on empathy and optimism that allows a process of creative reasoning to be carried out.

The challenges that arise are focused on three well-defined lines that cover the different subjects integrated in this proposal:
Line 1: Development of new sustainable construction products, developed under circular economy criteria and that minimize the environmental impact during their production, implementation, and final recycling. Promoting the appropriate use of the laboratory, putting into practice tests seen in a theoretical way through working with recycled raw materials and the use of tools for life cycle analysis.
Line 2: Development of measuring equipment that allows the monitoring of physical parameters linked to the comfort and quality of buildings, moving towards a digitalization of the construction sector. Including 3D printing activities, programming equipment with Arduino and the application of these measurement techniques in construction materials and construction systems.
Line 3: Development of new business models that integrate process innovations, ESG areas and are committed to environmental respect and gender equality in the construction sector. Employing tools for strategic decision-making, using scenario simulation tools, and carrying out cost analyses.
Design-Thinking, Elaboration of teaching materials, challenge-based learning, Specific competencies, Transversal competencies, Active Learning.