Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 1346-1354
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.0405
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
Common spaces of socialisation for students in Latin America, such as household and neighbourhood, do not always successfully advocate for their fundamental rights; schools are, therefore, bound to provide them with the required safety to, first and foremost, safeguard said rights [1]. Bullying, however, has been limiting their scope due to its increasing incidence in the classrooms. Schools offer not just education but also protection when it comes to students stemming from less-favourable backgrounds. Taking that into consideration, it is now required for educational endeavours to seek peace and foster improved pedagogical practices [2] via poetry and literature, thus scaffolding scenarios setting up other groups and societies.

This literature review was consequently aimed at sharing results obtained from research carried out in Colombia and worldwide on how arts, such as poetry and literature, influence bullying awareness, prevention and care. The approach consisted of cautiously reviewing 49 documental files consisting of undergraduate, master’s and doctorate dissertations as well as scientific articles, all of them published between 2013 and 2023. A data analysis documentary matrix was employed, which enabled information obtained by the research to be sorted into two systematic categories: Research Goals and Trends in the Results.

Outcomes show that poetry and literature, in contexts such as the one in Latin America, mediate to strengthen pacific conflict resolution skills [3]. It has been observed that poetry, due to its symbolic nature, helps decoding language and incorporate into social realities via intuition and introspection [4]. These ways of expression encourage imagination, analysis and critical judgement across the students. Acknowledging one’s inner world as well as that of the others is instrumental for reinforced intervention, preserving said aspects and leading up to enhanced social bonds throughout adulthood [5]. Lastly, a need for bullying prevention and care routes within school curricula is stressed.

[1] L.X. Caicedo and T.G. Fernández, “Consecuencias del bullying en la formación de estudiantes según estudios latinoamericanos entre 2010–2021”, en Revista Ensayos Pedagógicos, 17(2), 161-179, 2022.
[2] T.G. Fernández, “Apuestas educativas en momentos de transición hacia la paz”, en Revista Infancia, Educación y Aprendizaje, 7(2), pp. 30–41, 2021.
[3] S. Yubero, E. Larrañaga, R. Navarro, y S. Sánchez, “Literatura para la prevención del bullying en las primeras etapas de la educación escolar”. Ocnos. Revista de estudios sobre lectura, 21(2), 1-19, 2022
[4] E. Agrelo-Costas y A. Piñeiro, “La poesía: Educadora de emociones. TEJUELO. Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura”. Educación, 33, 185-216, 2021
[5] M. Muñoz-Prieto, “Desarrollar la inteligencia emocional para prevenir el acoso escolar”, EA, Escuela Abierta, 20(1), 35-46, 2017.
Literature, poetry, bullying, school, teaching, prevention.