1 Complutense University (SPAIN)
2 CEU University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 7607 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1901
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Teaching quality has always been and will be a concern for the university community, in order to guarantee adequate teaching/learning processes. It is necessary to keep both processes at levels that are appropriate to the working world’s needs and that prevent them from falling into routine systems that are unattractive to university students. For all these reasons, projects that are aimed at promoting interfaculty relationships for global and lasting learning over time are needed.
We propose to implement a learning approach based on interdisciplinary projects to encourage critical thinking, collaboration, and the practical application of knowledge in students. Talks and colloquiums will be held between the Faculties of Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, and Medicine to share concepts acquired and relate the toxicology, pharmacology, chemistry, and physiology areas of knowledge. The potential of online Learning and Knowledge Tools (LKT) will be exploited and used to enhance learning and improve the educational experience. Our project seeks to transform the teaching and learning process, providing students with an enriching teaching experience and preparing them to face real-world challenges in an effective and collaborative manner.
The project will focus on the creation of interdisciplinary teams composed of students from different areas of study and from different schools. Each team will work on a project that addresses a real problem or challenge, which requires the integration of knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines.
Professors will play a facilitating and mentoring role, providing guidance and support to the teams throughout the project process. Online LKT such as communication and file sharing platforms will be used to facilitate communication and collaboration between team members. With the increasing use of online education and the need to adapt to virtual environments, it is essential to take advantage of available technologies to provide students with a quality education and promote their participation.
Virtual workspaces will be created. These tools provide environments where students and Professors can collaborate on projects and teamwork. These spaces allow sharing ideas, documents, notes, and comments, which facilitates collaboration and the exchange of information, promoting interfaculty teamwork, at the same time that sharing areas of thought allows students to acquire a general concept and to globalize the different specialization topics addressed in class.
Collaboration platforms that include Microsoft Teams, Google Workspace, and Trelloy will be used, and online participation will be necessary, integrating cooperation tools in a virtual learning environment. Students can access educational content, participate in online discussions, forums, chats, and presentations, engage in collaborative activities, and receive feedback from their professors. Some platforms such as Canvas, Moodle, and Blackboard would help to establish interactive tests between the different faculties and areas of knowledge with rankings of the tests and online games. In summary, this project would link different schools within Universities, integrating knowledge and proposals from each one for global and inclusive learning, promoting collaboration and interaction between different professors and educational systems.
Project-based learning, toxicology, enhanced learning, gamification, LKT tools, interdisciplinary learning.