1 Complutense University (SPAIN)
2 CEU University (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 7606 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1900
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
Traditional education is fundamentally based on the passive acquisition of knowledge by students through what they see and hear in lectures. However, we only retain 10% of what is read, 30% of what is seen, 50% of what is seen and heard, 70% of what is said or written, and 90% of what is done. Therefore, it is necessary to implement new systems that increase participation to solidify long-term knowledge. The challenges of incorporating new teaching methodologies for better student learning are increasing.
The progressive demands of Universities, the job market, and student initiative require greater efforts in the search for effective teaching methods. Given the multiple weaknesses in teaching methodology and the lack of or inadequate work techniques that allow effective understanding and assistance to students, advanced tools called Learning and Knowledge Technology (LKT) are necessary to help improve the learning process of University students in preparation for future challenges in the job market. The use of LKT tools allows for continuous and comprehensive evaluation of students' work (including work done outside the classroom), flexible and personalized learning, increased student motivation and autonomy, improved teaching quality, and enhanced digital skills acquisition and training. In this regard, the use of in-class response systems (CRS) such as clickers, as well as social networks, micro-learning, and shared documents (dataweb) outside the classroom, help increase student motivation by facilitating their participation and cooperative work among them.
Our educational innovation project aims to develop, for toxicology, pharmacology, chemistry and physiology students, an effective instrument to improve educational quality and open new avenues for student inclusion in classroom dynamics by promoting advanced tools that bring together the students and foster a sense of belonging in the classroom. The proposed tool is a direct application in virtual classrooms that allows Professors to create a space, in each of the subjects that they teach, in which the students of the classroom will share a document where class notes will be created with the participation of all students, helping to solve problems, and addressing doubts that may not be in class due to the time limit of the classes. Moreover, this space will even allow organizing tutoring sessions with students. By creating virtual workspaces and using online learning platforms, the novelty of this system lies in the fact that students themselves can interact with the Professor and each other to express doubts, deficiencies, and achievements within the subject studied in class. As a result of the project, we expect to lead to a better understanding of concepts by students, solidify information, and acquire knowledge for their future professional and personal development.
After validating different advanced technologies, it is concluded that the use of LKT tools and virtual classrooms can be beneficial for both the Professor’s teaching work and the acquisition and solidification of concepts by University students. This is not only due to the novelty of the proposed system but also because of the dynamism created by this method and the great support provided to the Professors to increase the necessary teaching resources for their professional work.
Learning and Knowledge Technology tools, continuous evaluation, enhanced learning, students' motivation.