The Academic Arab College for Education (ISRAEL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 7250-7254
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.1692
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
Frequent practice of performance is crucial when learning to do things more effectively. In-depth observation and processing of the learning outcomes that follow each stage of practice and training results in the most effective form of learning. This is, in fact, the guiding principle and the essence of the educational activity at the Academic Arab College for Education Simulation Center. At the simulation center, workshops are held to help participants acquire optimal communication skills, strengthen their sense of self-efficacy, and develop soft skills that are necessary to the teaching profession.

The workshops allow pre-service teachers to experience and gain practice in realistic situations based on the daily experiences at schools. During the workshops, pre-service teachers actively experience scenarios of educational conflict that are designed by experts from the fields of education, pedagogy, and simulation.

Our simulation center has set itself the goal of advancing the field of the professional and pedagogical development of educators who are involved in teaching on different levels, and who can vary from novice teachers to school principals and inspectors. The simulation workshops operate based on two models. The first session of each workshop includes an opening and explanation about the center itself, the simulation process, scenarios, and procedures during the actual simulation, as well as the various types of feedback questionnaires that should be completed during and after the simulation.

The simulation workshops are conducted in the Center's studios, which are properly equipped to allow for the recording of the simulations, and its live broadcasting to the workshop participants. The workshops are led by group facilitators specializing in education and pedagogy. In addition to the facilitators, professional actors with specialized training in the field of education also participate in these workshops. The simulation workshops are conducted in two formats: a 4-hour workshop involving 3 educational scenarios, and a 2-hour workshop involving 2 scenarios.

In this study, 73 pre-service teachers participated in at least one educational simulation workshop. The study was conducted using the quantitative method; thus, an online questionnaire was administered to the participants. The questionnaire is structured based on a four-point Likert scale.

The study aims to examine, the contribution of pre-service teachers' participation in an educational simulation workshop to the:
1) Enhancement of the effectiveness of the pre-service teachers' teaching experience
2) Acquisition of optimal communication skills through practical experience
3) Development of educationally relevant soft skills
4) Acquisition of skills for provision of social, and emotional support to students

The findings of the study indicate positive perceptions among participants, towards the contribution of the participation in the simulation workshops in increasing the effectiveness of their teaching experience. In addition, study participants praised the workshop for its contribution to their acquisition of optimal communication skills, as well as the development of their ability to manage educational conflicts. On the other hand, the findings showed a weak contribution of the workshop to the development of soft skills among participants, despite its significant contribution to the acquisition of the skills related to the provision of social and emotional support.
Educational Simulation, communication skills, social and emotional support.