University of Cagliari and INFN (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2024 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 4630-4634
ISBN: 978-84-09-59215-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2024.1197
Conference name: 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 4-6 March, 2024
Location: Valencia, Spain
The subject of radioactivity usually brings in mind the atomic bomb or accidents in nuclear plants such as Chernobyl’s one. It is important for high school students to be aware that radioactivity is all around us and it is possible to perform its measurement in ways that are relatively simple and achievable even by them. The RadioLab project, supported by the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics, aims at spreading among students the knowledge of environmental radioactivity, by engaging them in performing a real measurement of the radioactive gas radon. I will present the state of the project focusing on the activities carried on in Sardinia region.

Every year since 2013, RadioLab engages high school students in a project that foresees different steps: First they participate to seminars about different topics as ionizing radiation, radioactivity, radon gas, etc. In these seminars they are actively involved by using online quizzes (e.g. Mentimeter), to enhance their curiosity and evaluate their initial background. In the second step they are given radon dosimeters based on CR39 polymer, which they can install at school or in their houses. They learn how these dosimeters work and what are the different ways to measure radon concentration, with active or passive instruments. The third step consists in the experimental part with the chemical attack of the CR39, the reading of the tracks left by alpha particles by a microscope, and the analysis of the measures to obtain the concentration of the radon gas in Bq/m3. This activity can be carried on at school (if a suitable laboratory is available) or at our university labs. In all the experimental steps the students take active part in alla the activities under the guide of researchers or teachers. At the end they prepare a report to explain the procedures and discuss the results.

Other activities the students carry on in the project include the gathering of data concerning the radon knowledge among relatives and friends with the use of an online questionnaire. They also take part in events such as the European Researchers’ Night where they can administer the questionnaire to the public and share the knowledge they have gained during the project.
Some more specialistic seminars are also proposed, regarding the use of radiations. Some examples are: The medical applications in diagnostic and therapy; The use of radiations in the analysis of cultural heritage; Pros and cons of the nuclear energy.

In recent years a few selected students have also participated to Spring and Summer Schools, organized by the RadioLab collaboration in different places of Italy. In this schools they meet with students from all over the country and work side by side with specialists in the field.

During the last ten years the project has involved in Sardinia almost one thousand students, enhancing the knowledge of radioactivity and the radon gas among them, their families, and their friends. The radon gas has important drawbacks on people’s health and its knowledge is of outmost importance in becoming acquainted of this potential killer and how to deal with it.
Radioactivity, radon gas, high school students, experimental activities.