“Babes Bolyai” University (ROMANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3300-3305
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.0812
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
In the sense of contemporary pedagogy, education is the permanent concern in transmitting to the new generations the desirable values for the society in which they live and are formed, but with a certain projection towards the society in which they are to act as future adults. For the current educational model, also assumed by Romania in the European Union, the values in education include cognitive acquisition, the formation of skills and attitudes, which must also be found in behaviours. Recent research shows that a more sustained concern is needed for the integration in an effective system of educational approaches made in the formal space with those from non-formal contexts. Carrying out extracurricular activities that support the achievement of the goals from official documents has become a priority.

The results of our research show that by engaging in extracurricular educational approaches young people tend to become more responsible towards their own training, to get involved in decision-making by combining the cognitive component with the behavioural one. It is also noted that educational factors do not pay special attention to educational approaches of this type, a very special role in this case is played by parents, by involving in supporting and carrying out extracurricular activities.

The research data were collected following the application of a questionnaire to parents, on the topic of extracurricular activities. The main conclusions, based on the responses received, are related to the type of extracurricular activities organized by teachers and the confidence of the parents in the educational activities that the school organizes: excursions/hikes (44.7%), debates/meetings with specialists (11.7%), Dance/Theatre (5.7%). Another key aspect in this research is about the role parents think extra-curricular activities have in achieving their objectives, emphasizing the respect for human dignity (52,3%), promoting and learning of national values (46,9%), the appropriation of the religious visions of life (37.4 per cent). The results of our research points to the fact that the parents did not show a high level of interest for their involvement in the organization of these activities by placing the responsibility on either the school or any other educational factors, among which are mentioned the Church and the community: 22, 2% of them have never been in a school activity, and 70,8 % say that they have participated in such actions, but that the initiative/organization came from the school, or from the Church.
Extracurricular activities, parents, education, responsability, competences.