1 Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
2 Universitat de València (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The subject “Chemistry I” is taught in the first semester of the first academic year of the Degree in Chemistry. The main objective consists in enlarging the background in General Chemistry from that learned in the High School. This initiation is arranged in Formulation and Nomenclature, Atomic structure, Periodic System, Chemical Bond, and Irreversible Reactions. These matters facilitate the contact of the students with all the aspects of the chemistry. It is therefore a basic knowledge which will be in the future of great help in further chemistry laboratory subjects, regardless of the specific topic (analytical, physical, inorganic, organic and general). The course consists in theory face-to-face classes and tutorials. The final score obtained by the student is based on: resolution of exercises and problems, oral presentations, tutorials and a final exam, with the following weighing: 5/5/10/80. In this study, the results of 82 students were analyzed, noticing that the average score was 6.1 (9.2/7.9/8.6/5.4 at each evaluation item, respectively). From these results we deduced: first, they positively do the homework, they notice the importance of doing oral presentation, they attend and participate in tutorials (as they have a positive attitude towards the subject), and they should put a major effort to understand the theory concepts, as the result of the final exam can be ameliorated.Keywords:
Chemistry, Evaluation, General courses, Theory, Tutorial, University.