1 Universidade de Coimbra (PORTUGAL)
2 Universidade da Beira Interior (PORTUGAL)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 4610 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1226
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Life devoid of scientific ideas is restricted only to what can be seen, heard, tasted and touched (Green, 2021). Science influences the perception that we have of the world, for this reason, it is essential enhancing the acquisition of essential scientific skills and knowledge needed to become informed, and engaged citizens.

In science, students show resistance to scientific knowledge, either because most of them have difficulty understanding concepts (Canavarro, 2011), or because they have difficulty identifying applications of the concepts that learn in classroom (Sousa & Carvalho, 2003).
The teachers need to motivate students by innovative strategies that promote the awaken their interest in science. Motivation is an important factor in education as it can influence a student's academic performance, learning outcomes, and overall engagement in the learning process (Camargo, Ferreira Camargo, & Oliveira Souza, 2019) (Stăncescu, 2018).

In order to increase student´s motivation to learn chemistry and promote positive attitude towards science, were proposed a laboratory activity, in the area of Nanotechnology, in a research laboratory at the University of Beira Interior and a lecture made by a Chemistry researcher, also in the same area. These non-formal activities proposed also have the objectives of raising awareness among young people of the fundamental role of chemistry and to approximate the work of scientists to general society. The relevance of this theme is based on the goals of the subject of Physics and Chemistry A of the 10th year, in the domain “Chemical elements and their organization”, where there is an explicit reference to nanotechnology in the guidelines and suggestions of the Program and Curricular Goals of Physics and Chemistry A “… resort to information on the presence of nanoparticles in common situations and on applications resulting from the manipulation of matter on an atomic scale. The analysis of the advantages and risks of nanotechnology makes it possible to reflect on the relationship between science and society”. Thus, the development of non-formal education in nanotechnology´s area should allow to develop knowledge in this area so that they can make informed decisions and participate in meaningful debates, as well as potentiate the development of their scientific literacy, in the construction of conscious and active individuals.

In this study, we evaluated if the non-formal activities influence student´s motivations to learn Physics and Chemistry. For this study, three attitude scales were applied, namely attitude scale towards “physic-chemistry” (analyzing different domains), “non-formal activity” and “nanotechnology”.

[1] Camargo, C. A., Ferreira Camargo, M. A., & Oliveira Souza, V. d. (2019). A importância da motivação no processo ensino-aprendizagem. Revista Thema, 16(3), 598.
[2] Canavarro, A. P. (2011). Ensino exploratório da Matemática: Práticas e desafios. Educação e Matemática, 115 , 11.
[3] Green, J. (2021). Powerful ideas of science and how to teach them. Routledge.
[4] Sousa, A. S., & Carvalho, P. S. (2003). Química e Ensino Física e Química – A mesma linguagem ? In III Encontro da Divisão de Ensino e Divulgação da Química da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química.
[5] Stăncescu, I. (2018). The Role Of Non-Formal Activities For Increasing Students’ Motivation For Learning. In V. Chis, & I. Albulescu (Ed), Education, Reflection, Development – ERD 2017, European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 41, 667.
Motivation, Chemistry Education, Scientific Attitudes, Scientific Skills, Nanotechnology.