About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 8188 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.2126
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Todos a Bordo is a comprehensive proposal, created in collaboration with teaching teams, mental health teams and medical teams within the framework of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The uncertainty and lack of knowledge regarding what was happening put many of the decisions and rigor in educational contexts at risk.

We started this project with a proposal to guide schools, families and all teaching staff on security measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In the approach, biosecurity measures, signs for distancing and teacher training to control the spread were contemplated.However, the finding was very significant in the first days of implementation that led us to reorient the entire approach.

It was not possible to address health and prevention without taking into account fears, misinformation, uncertainty and particular fear about the future.

We took action and saw the dimensions of the human being that were put on the discussion table to really plan a continuity of learning that is not only healthy in physiological aspects but also in socio-emotional aspects and what we call cognitive health.

Each of the dimensions obtained the same relevance, depth and management for the recovery of the integral human being.

We created an online program that addressed both theoretically with proposals and practical examples of the three dimensions. The free access training offered a participation quota in alliance with the Ministry of Education to 105,000 teachers in the Dominican Republic who were certified in a timely manner to learn about the best practices and management of post-pandemic schools.

The health dimension addresses the characterization of the disease, hygiene measures and best biodiversity practices in school settings, prevention and care measures, guidance on vaccines, treatment, isolation if necessary and positive communication with families for good practice of measures also from home.

The socio-emotional dimension treats the person (children, teachers and their families) as part of a community, addresses the recovery of security and the management of the multiple anxieties generated in the pandemic, as well as empathy, compassion and mourning in multiple situations. applicable cases.

The cognitive dimension addresses the possibilities of academic recovery, support for the multiple and diverse challenges with which boys and girls return to school, and the best practices, techniques, and interventions to achieve learning.

The three dimensions are intertwined, leadership in schools is strengthened and crisis management becomes collaborative based on knowledge and better decisions based on information and evidence.

As a consequence of this proposal, the Minister of Education informed the 7,900 schools in the country that training in All Aboard would be required to authorize the progressive reopening of schools once local policies and the health system allow it.

The proposal is still valid, it is updated with other school health situations that are necessary for continuous prevention, addressing vaccination schemes, tropical diseases, disease prevention with hygiene measures and good guidance for comprehensive health (physical, emotional and cognitive) throughout life.
Comprehensive health, human being, education, well-being, prevention, socio-emotional, cognitive, health.