University of Girona, GID Physics (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 7347-7353
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.2007
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
In recent decades, new technologies have been introduced as essential tools in teaching and learning, including at university level [1,2]. As a consequence of its exhaustive application, some studies have focused on students' perception [3].

In recent years, different methodologies have been applied, in our department, in order to promote student learning by implementing laboratory sessions for first-year physics subjects in engineering and science studies, such as: applets (developed in java), software and spreadsheets (for the collection and manipulation of experimental data) or videos [4].

In the present study we will describe the different tools used, but we will focus on the use of videos and their subsequent use for data processing. Filming experimental setups on video allows, on the one hand, to show students how the experiment is carried out in practice and, on the other hand, to edit the video in order to collect the experimental data. It should be noted that the university itself has developed teaching support material for the teaching staff to train them in the generation and editing of videos. In reality, the COVID pandemic is what has facilitated the interest of the university system in the generation of alternative teaching materials based on new methodologies. Also, these instruments have been used during the last decade, which allows us to analyze the evolution of their application. Initially, thinking more about providing supplementary material and, now, about enhancing the development of critical thinking, encouraging the ability to connect concepts with practical applications and encouraging teamwork.

Finally, the perception of students and professors towards its application will also be discussed. The perception of the teaching staff is usually positive, and that of the students is probably influenced by the time they have to spend extracting the experimental data and doing the subsequent analysis. The students also take into account the laboratory session mark. In many studies in the scientific and engineering field, the assessment of laboratory practices is usually around 20% of the final mark of the subject.

[1] A. Beckmann. Student’s views on digital tools in university lectures. INTED2020 Proceedings, 2020, 375-382.
[2] J.J. Suñol, M. Moreno, J. Tarrés. Apps in Physics courses; the perception of students. INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022, 6709-6714.
[3] A. Expósito, M.P. Pablo-Romero, J. Sánchez-Rivas, M.P. Gómez-Calero. Are instructional videos effective to learn dynamic macroeconomics? An empirical assessment at university of Seville. INTED2020 Proceedings, 2020, 110.
[4] M. Soler, L. Escoda, J. Planella, J.J. Suñol. Videos for learning Physics: laboratory, youtube. EDULEARN19 Proceedings, 2019, 6088-6091.
Teaching innovation, laboratory, Physics, videos.