Universitat de Barcelona (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 4407-4414
ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1164
Conference name: 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2023
Location: Valencia, Spain
The educational direction has adapted to the various current changes and therefore, every day we observe how the educational systems of the world establish new ways of conceiving their practice in educational institutions. It is then that, the public administration and the educational legislation of Catalonia establish that to access the school direction, a school management project (SMP) must be presented in which the objectives, lines of action, needs of the students and teachers, the resources and characteristics of the context are established and in addition, all this must be coordinated harmoniously with the institutional and governmental plans in order to promote, divulge, protect and guarantee education as a fundamental right.

Based on the above, it is established as an objective of the study, to analyze the planning processes implemented in the SMP for the 2019-20 and subsequent courses in educational centers of the demarcation of Barcelona and thus, to be able to demonstrate both the types and techniques of planning and the competences required by the school directors when designing and implementing the SMP. Therefore, the following questions arise: What are the types of organizational planning implemented in the SMP in Catalunya? and What are the analysis and planning tools implemented by school principals?

Taking into account the object of study and with a view to establishing whether one of the main shortcomings presented by the management of schools is related to planning processes, qualitative descriptive research is carried out. In order to carry out an adequate investigation that meets the interests of the educational context, content analysis is established as the first empirical technique, which is made up of 8 categories (diagnosis, objectives, lines of action, among others) and the which had a sample of 12 management projects. The second technique of obtaining data is the semi-structured interview and which is aimed at school directors in the province of Barcelona and is composed of 3 dimensions that are conceptualization of organizational planning, organizational planning and its relationship with management projects and planning competencies in school management.

The present study shows that the management projects analyzed have shortcomings in the diagnostic processes implemented and therefore, the objectives, lines of action, institutional structure and other actions end up being distorted from the institutional and territory reality and the needs and requirements of school actors. Continuously, there are gaps in the understanding and implementation of planning processes both at the institutional level and in management projects.

Another aspect observed in management projects is the lack of a tool that responds in an integral way to the educational context, so aspiring school directors end up making use of analysis and planning tools that originated in the business context, without having a broad understanding that allows its proper implementation in the educational context.
Planning, management.