Tomsk Polytechnic University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2017 Proceedings
Publication year: 2017
Pages: 3043-3051
ISBN: 978-84-617-8491-2
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2017.0080
Conference name: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2017
Location: Valencia, Spain
The article considers a partial solution to the urgent problem concerning the training of highly qualified specialists which are competitive on the labor market. The literature sources note that the competition between the applicants choosing the technical specialties is reduced at universities. For example, the highest competition was held for the management and linguistic specialties at Tomsk universities (2015) and, therefore, the most successful specialists will be trained in the social and humanitarian fields of science. Thus, there is the problem concerning the training of technical specialists, the learning success of which is connected with physics and mathematics. To solve the problem, we propose to organize the educational process that includes the interdisciplinary connections, the optimal structuring of information material and the training systems based on electronic educational resources. A computer training system allows the student-centered approach to be realized through feedback. A total of 25 lessons were developed on the basis of all physics branches, including the interdisciplinary connections in the bachelor curriculum. In each lesson, it is indicated how to use this material in vocational subjects. The efficiency and multifunctionality of the training system have been confirmed by a ten-year period of using it in the training process. Multifunctionality of the training system is that the teachers successfully use it to conduct practical lessons, colloquiums, exams, the individual work of students, etc.

The use of electronic educational resources in education with appropriate methodological software allows the efficiency of training the graduates to be improved.

The structuring of the lecture course and theoretical content of the computer training system allows us to select the knowledge elements which are of particular importance for learning physics. The examples in the article provide the lecture presentation with the use of interdisciplinary connections, as well as the structuring of lections for the training systems.

Systemic construction of the educational process for teaching physics with the use of interdisciplinary connections creates a background for the formation of professional competencies:
- ability to use the fundamental scientific knowledge in the professional activity;
- skills in the organization of physical research;
- ability to apply knowledge, skills and experience in the processing, analysis and synthesis of research results;
- ability to search, process and explain with the use of electronic educational resources required to form opinions on relevant scientific problems.

The combination of worthy traditional teaching and electronic tools in the developed training system creates a comfortable learning environment and develops the creative ability of students in the educational process. The implementation of the computer training system in the educational process provides the objective assessment of the students' knowledge.

To confirm the success of the developed training system, the questioning of students was conducted for five years to study the satisfaction with the structure and content of the basic educational program, as well as the training process, which confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
Student experience, information teaching methods, training system, structuring, interdisciplinary connections.