Universitat Jaume I (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 299-307
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0121
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The aim of this work is to describe how we have integrated the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in various basic mathematics subjects, and especially statistics. This is very original, since the works on how to integrate social responsibility in the mathematical curriculum and pedagogy in mathematics are very scarce, especially in university teaching [1,2]. Furthermore, university students are not very aware about their possible contribution to the SDGs achievement [3].

The SDGs integration has considered both the visible curriculum (contents) and the hidden curriculum, as well as the teaching methodology and evaluation. Some of the developed actions are as follows:

1) the humanization of problems in accordance with the SDGs. One of the resources created can be seen in [4], regarding statistical problems about SDGs with real data. But many different exercises were designed in different mathematical subjects ranging from statistics, applied mathematics and algebra: students estimate their ecological footprints and make several statistical analyses; we work with derivatives by calculating the speed at which plastic consumption increases; we use sentences in propositional logic that break stereotypes, etc. The exercises related to SDGs allowed us to reflect on these issues in class.
2) the development of statistical projects related to the SDGs. Each student selects a topic related to SDGs, obtains data, and analyzes them. Students found it very useful for learning according to a survey.
3) the integration of the gender perspective in teaching, following the guidelines by [5]: using inclusive language, active methodologies (cooperative learning by Jigsaw method, flipped classroom, etc.), visualizing minorized groups, etc.

In 2021/22, we obtained better pass rates in our subjects (more than 10 percentual points) than in similar subjects of the same degree. Students were highly satisfied with our teaching according to the official university surveys.

These results highlight the benefits of integrating SDGs in university teaching in mathematics. This conclusion agrees with literature, since one way of motivating students, especially in non-mathematics degrees, is to show how statistics and math appears in their daily lives and in social issues of great interest [6]. Suggestions for implementation in other mathematical subjects are included.

This work has been supported by the grant 46151 from the Unitat de Formació i Innovació Educativa of the Universitat Jaume I.

[1] C. A. Buell and B. Shulman. 2019. An Introduction to Mathematics for Social Justice. PRIMUS, 29 (3-4), 205-209.
[2] J. Ridgway and R. Ridgway. 2019. Teaching for citizen empowerment and engagement. Radical statistics, 123, 15-23.
[3] L. Ferrando et al. 2024. Investigating university students' self-perception of their influence on the SDGs. Campus Virtuales 13(1).
[4] I. Epifanio. 2023. Repaso de estadística de Matemàtiques II a través de problemas relacionados con los ODS. Available at:
[5] I. Epifanio. 2022. Guide of Mathematics to mainstreaming gender in university teaching. Xarxa Vives d’Universitats: Castelló de la Plana. Available at:
[6] K-L. Phua. 2007. How to Make the Learning of Statistics Interesting, Fun and Personally Relevant: Using Progressive Material as Examples for In-class Analysis and to Raise Social Awareness. Radical Statistics, 95: 4-9.
Sustainability, Statistics, Mathematics, STEM, Gender, Higher education.