University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
Modern society is constantly changing its needs and increasing its requirements for science, education, etc. The need for quickly accessible information from anywhere is a fact today. The dynamics of life give rise to the need for change in all areas. Thanks to modern ICT, more and more opportunities can be provided today.
The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies has established traditions in terms of understanding and maximizing the full use of modern ICT in the field of libraries and archives.
The work done under the project “Information Portal for Archival-Documentary Heritage of the Bulgarian Revival” (Contract № KP-06-N 25/2, dated from 13.12.2018 with Annex FNI-2912, dated from 17.12.2020, National Science Fund of Ministry of Education and Science, Bulgaria) has raised many new questions for the team of researchers, which gave rise to the need of conducting a number of studies related to the training process of future archival specialists. One of the performed analyzes is related to the research of the study documentation of the specialty of Archival and Documentary Studies, ULSIT.
The purpose of the report is to present the results of the analysis of the syllabus included in the curriculum of the specialty paying special attention to the place of the topic of digitalization. This is an activity that is extremely important in the work of the institutions of memory, which allows their successful work in unison with the changes and needs of the dynamically developing modern society.
According to the conducted analysis and comparison of the study documentation of several consecutive graduates of the specialty of Archival and Documentary Studies at the Department of Library Management and Archival Studies, ULSIT, it was found that in the curricula of the last 4 academic years, the topic of digitalization is actively presented in various aspects compared to the previous ones. As in the main corpus of compulsory disciplines, so in the optional and elective disciplines - digitalization is considered in the context of the specific discipline. As one of the main processes in the restructuring and preservation of archival documents over the past two decades, the topic of digitalization continues to be relevant and a key topic in the training of future professionals.Keywords:
Digitization, education, training curricula, archival specialists, ULSIT, Bulgaria.