University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
In terms of dynamic changes that have occurred in recent decades, thanks to technological progress it is important for libraries to continue to develop their vision for their future social role and actively work on its approval . At the same time, it is necessary flexibility and rapid responses to be manifested at times of unforeseen situation, as the COVID-19 crisis proved to be occurring in global scale.
Decisions at international level have been taken, which can support the work of the global library community, basic guidelines for development have been outlined and priority areas have been formulated, as approaches have been suggested to make libraries stable as a key partner in the sustainable development of society in a period of crisis. Because of the pandemic, many libraries in the world were forced to close down and others to introduce restrictions , affecting the scope of services which they provide. In response to occurred turmoil in society, Bulgarian library institutions are involved in ongoing processes and have taken measures to deal with the challenges in a national context.
This report aims to outline the library's place in this new reality. Emphasis is placed on the forms in which they continued to be present in the lives of people. A study has been made of the attitudes of consumers towards the reorganization of the work process in libraries and in what way it has reflected their existence. The presented results of the survey emphasize the key role of this institution in the lives of people in a period of emergency and prolonged social isolation. Keywords:
COVID-19, libraries, Bulgaria, users, transformed reality.