Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 1885-1895
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0572
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
Today's world is undergoing rapid changes in the development of technology and society, and this is also affecting the field of education. Moreover, the education system is increasingly focused on an individualized approach and differentiation in the educational process, which requires teachers to have extensive knowledge and skills and to be able to implement the pedagogical process in accordance with the needs of learner’s individual development, learning, personality, and social growth.
One of the types of general education is special education that provides individually adapted education for children and young people with various special education needs. Special education aims to help each individual reach their full potential by providing the support and resources they need for their individual needs. Special education is implemented by special education teachers who work with children and young people with visual and hearing impairments, language disorders, mental disorders, severe somatic illnesses, musculoskeletal disorders, mental health conditions, and learning disabilities.
To ensure that special education teachers can successfully work with children with special needs, it is important that they receive appropriate preparation. This preparation should include education methodology based on individualized approach, knowledge about child development and developmental disorders, communication skills, and skills to adapt the educational process to the child's specific needs and abilities. They should also be able to collaborate with school support personnel to ensure a comprehensive approach to children's education and development.
An inadequately prepared special education teacher will face difficulties when working with children with various developmental problems; it will create stress and feelings of failure for a teacher and affect his/her motivation and self-esteem.
The research aim is to analyze the problems and solutions of preparing special education teachers in Latvia and develop recommendations for their training.
Research methods: analysis of scientific literature; analysis and interpretation of documents and materials, method of expert assessment. The research presented in the article is based on the analysis of scientific literature and related documents, the analytical judgments are based on previous research, as well as using the results of the evaluation of the professional bachelor's study programme "Special Education" of Rēzekne Academy of Technologies, which was carried out by national and international experts.
The research results concluded that the training of special education teachers should be based on the work environment and research, implementing not only pedagogical practice but also study visits as part of the study course acquisition, development and approbation of contract research projects, and implementation of joint projects with employers. Teacher education should be more flexible, adaptable to the labor market demands and the development of technologies. The directions for the development of special education teacher education are the following: quality study and professional development programmes and studies; methodological and scientific development of students and the teaching staff; effective study management and modern study environment with access to physical and virtual resources; development of cultural identity and values education.
Teacher training, special education, special education teacher.