Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LATVIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN22 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 1831-1839
ISBN: 978-84-09-42484-9
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2022.0488
Conference name: 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2022
Location: Palma, Spain
The inclusion of novice teachers in the school environment is a topical issue, as a large part of graduates of teacher study programs do not work in their profession but choose another job. This decision is based not only on low pay, but also on the stress of everyday school life. Many responsibilities, dealing of students' conflict situations, relationships with colleagues and changing demands are a concern for novice teachers. The successful entry of novice teachers into the school environment requires help, so the article looks at mentoring as support for novice colleagues to integrate into an educational institution that acts as a learning organization. The school as a learning organization is characterized by collaboration, support and learning, where students, teachers and school management learn individually and collectively to achieve their own and the school's common goals. Novice teachers in the school as a learning organization in cooperation with colleagues and school management, improve their professionalism, develop a culture of cognition, innovation and research. In the process of mentoring, the novice teacher, under the guidance of a mentor, can learn by collaborating with colleagues, observing their work, commenting, asking questions, receiving answers and acting in a practical way.

The aim of the research is to analyze the scientific literature and planning documents on the implementation of mentoring to support novice teachers in the school as a learning organization and to develop recommendations based on the research to promote the successful integration of novice teachers into the school environment.

The research presented in the article is based on the analysis of scientific literature and related documents, analytical judgments are based on previous research, as well as using the results of interviews with novice teachers.

The research conducted interviews with novice Latvian teachers. Novice teachers from Latvian general education institutions who had started their professional activities in the previous two years were selected for interviews. The aim of the interviews is to find out the views of novice teachers about the aspects of inclusion in school work and the benefits of mentoring.

An analysis of literature and the results of novice teachers’ interviews showed that a mentor for novice teachers in the first year of work was fundamentally necessary. A mentor can help novice teachers to feel comfortable in the school environment, promote their self-assessment and, consequently, their successful future in the educational establishment. Novice teachers need mentor support the most to gain emotional support, stimulate further work, as well as issues related to the implementation of classroom management and the choice of methodological techniques. Novice teachers admit that they lack confidence in their abilities, but this can be gained through applying what they have learned in the study process, working in creative collaboration with colleagues, and receiving encouragement and support from a mentor. The research showed that in schools where mentoring exists and the school acts as a learning organization, novice teachers feel safer, more confident and more open to implementing their ideas, as they have the opportunity to receive support and advice from a mentor and improve their professionalism with colleagues through learning, experimentation, and introducing new ideas.
Mentor, mentoring, novice teacher, school, learning organization, professional development.