1 Universidad de Córdoba (COLOMBIA)
2 Secretaría de Educación de Montería (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 6842-6847
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1737
Conference name: 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 7-9 November, 2022
Location: Seville, Spain
Given the lack of guidelines for the area of ​​technology and information technology in Colombia on the training of students in computational thinking, the experience in artificial intelligence at the University of Córdoba-Colombia was used to execute in 2021 the project "Development of computational thinking in high school students using artificial intelligence concepts” under pandemic conditions, in which a methodological strategy called “Piensa-C” was obtained. Already in the context of attendance and at the request of the El Dorado Educational Institution in 2022, an adjustment to the strategy was required for its adaptation and improvement. An intervention was carried out with the ninth grade students of group 4, with the objective of validating and adjusting the strategy to favor its application and dissemination in face-to-face educational contexts. For this, four phases were developed: planning-sensitization, implementation, evaluation, socialization-dissemination. Using a qualitative approach, the action-research method was followed, with a convenience sample of the natural group of grades 9-4 of 33 students. The following instruments were used: personalized test for diagnostic evaluation, questionnaires adapted to the cognitive-social pedagogical model on which the institution is based, a field diary, a follow-up record mediated by the platform, which was the tool used. Throughout the application of the “Piensa-C” strategy, finally, a feedback evaluation and a semi-structured interview were used with some of the students.

To evaluate the methodological strategy, several aspects were taken into account, including the results obtained in its pilot application, which were very favorable and beneficial for the educational community and directors of the institution, considering dimensions such as duration, adaptability to the face-to-face context and a final report developed by the investigative unit. Relevant adjustments were made to the personalized initial evaluation test and to the questionnaires, with the guidance of the institution's advisory professor as an expert. As a final product, the creation of an illustrated methodological guide is obtained, which contains the description of the strategy, the moments of application and use of the platform, as well as the didactic resources and application guides for its development and evaluation.

As an impact of this project, it is highlighted that the educational institution implemented the PIENSA-C methodological strategy at the curricular level in the area of ​​technology and information technology, integrating the teaching of introductory concepts to artificial intelligence into the 9th grade content matrix.
Computational thinking, methodological strategy, artificial intelligence, educational platform.