1 University of Brasilia (BRAZIL)
2 Federal Districtal Office of Education (BRAZIL)
3 Open University of Brasil (BRAZIL)
4 University of Brasília (BRAZIL)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2014 Proceedings
Publication year: 2014
Page: 1777 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-617-2484-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 7th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 17-19 November, 2014
Location: Seville, Spain
Approving and conduct a federal regulated undergraduate course (within the University) on Physical Education on distance was the first challenge. This we reached. We have a very large and diverse country with so long distances between cities and people need to be educated. The practical activities and other presential actions were resolved with regional monthly meetings. The next challenge, among others, was to do internships like a teacher in physical education on basic schools when they being on distance. How to do this well and significant?

So, in each of the four internships over the total course, we established four stages or steps. Each step (module) lasts 16 weeks with educational activities simultaneously online and offline (presential) like special classroom activities. Since the beginning until the end they had forums online in each week where they should to debate, answer questions about the texts/videos and explain and comment their experiential activities on the schools.

The computer system used for online activities performed on distance was Moodle platform. In each complete course, each students group needs to be approved in the four successive internships (from the school level of childhood until high school). The syllabus of each stage had four parts that are overlapping with one another over time:

1) Introduction (weeks 1 to 5) with texts, videos and general information about the characteristics of that level of attendance (schools rules, distinguishing characteristics of the students, the aims, national curricular parameters) and guidelines to search appropriate schools in their own community to perform their internships with students in regular classes. Also they learned to evaluate and prepare a specific syllabus plan and lesson plans to apply to that student groups on the chosen school.

2) Soon, during 5 weeks they will observe the environment, taking notes, learning about reality and preparing themselves to act. In each week it will have special aspects to observe more deeply.

3) After learning, observing all and preparing and having had approved their syllabus and lesson plans by the faculty advisors, the trainees will conduct their physical education classes with students for 8 weeks and explain about them, the difficulties and results on forum each week, with photos, videos and exchange thoughts each others with teachers and colleagues. All follow up all. At the same time all will receive tips, texts and videos to help them with the work. The emphasis on forums are on the reports and reflections connected with other texts and experiences among participants and the debates in general are varied and strong.

4) Finally, during the last 5 weeks they will prepare the final report and/or article after collecting data and reflecting about this. Also each one will organize an oral presentation with slides on live panel defending their work.

The first application was on 2008 (the first one in the world in this subject). It’s now in the third edition, 12th application. Until now we had 21 groups in 16 distinct and separate regions, more than 300 people already certificated. They were twice evaluated already through national tests from the Federal Bureau of Education and very well approved. Seem to us that this methodology was efficient to capacitate these educators and professionals in Physical Education.
Physical education, Internship, e-learning.