University of Seville (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5729-5734
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.1423
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
This draft discusses the impact of generative intelligence on the education system, focusing on the technical innovation of providing widespread access to an intelligent text generation system, specifically OpenAI's chatGPT. The unprecedented speed at which it has garnered 100 million users signifies the approach of the so-called singularity. Presently, millions of students and tens of thousands of teachers regularly utilize this generative artificial intelligence system.
Numerous articles and publications explore the prospects and analyze the initial outcomes of its implementation in real-world education. Many experts believe that the changes brought about by this technology will truly be revolutionary.
To assess the implications of widespread adoption of generative artificial intelligence from the perspectives of all education system stakeholders, we find it expedient to employ a SWOT analysis.
Here, we present a few points from the results of this one:
1. Radical simplification of content creation enables on-the-fly content generation. This transition moves away from a generalized, universal, standardized, and averaged set of instructional materials for all. Instead, it embraces unique highly personalized content tailored to individual students, accounting for their current knowledge, skills, competencies, motivation, and the goals of their current learning stage within their individual educational trajectory. Moreover, when reviewing the same material, the student will receive different content.
2. Personal assistants for each student: Socratic dialogues in education.
3. Skills now essential for every professional:
◦ Prompt engineering (as ability to ask the right questions): the skill of formulating precise queries to extract information from generative AI systems.
◦ Critical analysis: evaluating the adequacy of the obtained information (text). Current generative systems often produce plausible but unreliable texts. The ability to verify and detect errors is crucial.
4. Redefining the scope of qualifications: Many professions will require reevaluation of the division of labor between humans and intelligent systems. Professionals need to determine which skills are essential for them and which operations can be delegated to AI. Furthermore, they must identify the competencies that need to be mastered qualitatively, as other tasks will inevitably be delegated to intelligent assistants.

The full version of this work will provide more detailed insights into these and other tasks.
In the practical implementation of educational system transformation, it is crucial to avoid descending into a comical situation where one instance of an AI assistant generates assignments for the teacher, while another instance generates answers for the student.

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Generative AI, Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Transformation.