Istrian University of Applied Sciences (CROATIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2023 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 28-36
ISBN: 978-84-09-55942-8
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2023.0022
Conference name: 16th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 13-15 November, 2023
Location: Seville, Spain
The data presented in this paper were obtained within the framework of wider research on the role of learning support teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in regular schools in Croatia, Istrian County. The results obtained in this study on a sample of N=900 respondents, learning support teachers (216) and primary school teachers (484) were described through the dimension of benefits of inclusion for all students, to furtherly explore and explain the values of inclusive education for all students in the class and to determine whether and to what extent assessments among learning support teachers and teachers differ. Two goals were defined: determine the structure of the dimension of benefits of inclusion for all students from the perception of learning support teachers and school teachers; check whether there are differences in perception among learning support teachers and school teachers about some of their sociodemographic characteristics: gender, age and level of education. Factor analysis on the scale PUNinclusion-learning support teachers, the excreted factor called benefits of inclusion for all students, is described through four variables: in particular, this refers to the contribution to encouraging positive social interaction among all students in the class, encouraging students with disabilities to cooperate with other students that are all together part of the class community, to the contribution to increasing the independence of students with disabilities and to the contribution to achieving a better classroom atmosphere which enables learning, free from prejudice against diversity. In the next step, to determine whether there are differences in the assessments of learning support teachers and school teachers regarding the contribution of learning support teachers to the benefits of inclusion for all students based on gender, age and level of education, one-way variance analyses were conducted. In doing so, learning support teachers assessed the classroom atmosphere, mutual cooperation of all students, independence of students with disabilities and positive social interaction. School teachers, on the other hand, instead of assessing the increase in the independence of students, assessed the need for additional education for learning support teachers. It was found that based on gender, there was a statistically significant difference in the assessments of learning support teachers regarding their role in increasing the independence of students with difficulties in performing tasks and daily activities. Furthermore, in the remaining categories of learning support teachers, the results obtained show that there is no statistically significant difference in assessments among learning support teachers based on their age and the level of education that has been measured. Teachers’ assessments have shown differences about the two sociodemographic characteristics of the teachers: gender and age. In conclusion, we can say that the results of this research have shown that the model of educational inclusion of students with disabilities with the support of learning support teachers is important in supporting the efforts and needs of including students with disabilities in regular schools.
Mutual support and encouragement, learning support teachers, socialization, student with disabilities, teacher.