Peoples` Friendship University of Russia (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 220-227
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.0117
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
The article deals with the process of FLT (foreign language teaching) undergraduate students in higher education conditions. The author reveals the process of forming a professional language personality of students with a non-linguistic profile. It is based on a personality-oriented educational paradigm.

In the context of the new educational policy in the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the competence-based approach in teaching higher school students is the most relevant. That is why the personal-activity and competence-based approaches were considered on a methodological basis.
The first one means that the learning process directed at the student who is the object turns into a subject with motives, goals, and unique psychological makeup. The competence approach is based on motivational, cognitive, behavioral, value-semantic, emotional-strong-willed aspects.

This study's problem is determined by the contradiction between the need for scientifically-based ways to improve the language training of non-linguistic students and the still weak availability of AI (artificial intelligence) elements in the Bachelor's degree system.

The strategic research goal provides for the possibility of considering an attempt to use artificial intelligence in teaching English to students studying towards a Bachelor's degree.

The object of this study is the process of vocationally-oriented training of undergraduate students.

The subject of the article is the technology of vocationally-oriented training with AI elements.

To solve the tasks, a set of research methods were used, including the study and theoretical analysis of scientific literature and conducted experiment, within scientific research topic problems.

The novelty of the work is determined by an attempt to systematize and describe their technical principles of existing software systems based on artificial intelligence.

The following principles of training software were considered and analyzed:
- classic graphical interface (+speech recognition), (monolingual (Rosetta Stone) and multilingual (Babbel);
- speech interface with dialogue function (Duolingo, El Lingo);
- virtual educational environments with agent-based systems ("teacher agent" Max);
- Big data analysis (Watson (IBM)).

Twenty-eight students of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University) participated in the experiment.

The sample consisted of 14 subjects of the experimental group and 14 subjects of the Department of Foreign Language Theory and Practice control group.
The practice has proven that when using the classic graphical interface, the level of competence was 67% for 45% of the control group, the speech interface with the dialog function is 89% and 78%, respectively, "pedagogical agent" Max — 79% in the experimental and 67% in the control groups, big data analysis systems - 84% and 69%, respectively.

The use of artificial intelligence elements as an applied component for students of the Bachelor's degree system in teaching foreign languages can raise the level of lexical, grammatical, semantic, phonological, and orthoepic subcompetences.
Personality-oriented paradigm, competence approach, personal-activity approach, non-linguistic profile, artificial intelligence, virtual educational environment.