University of Ruse (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN21 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3453-3459
ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.0730
Conference name: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 5-6 July, 2021
Location: Online Conference
It is of primary importance to modern university education to create the best conditions for students’ personal growth and active involvement. Various ways have been used to attract the intellectual and creative potential towards students’ active participation in teaching and research. One of these ways is project-based learning. It encourages traditional education by expanding the range of subjectivity in participation, research, creative activity, and initiative. It stimulates thinking and building up appropriate self-evaluation.

This article presents the algorithm of a project assignment given to undergraduates in Bulgarian Language and History and students majoring in Contemporary Bulgarian Studies and Education at the University of Ruse (Bulgaria).

The final output is to compile a reader of various texts from different genres of Revival literature. Why do we draw on it? The Bulgarian Revival spans over almost two full centuries (XVIII and XIX) when the Enlightenment was to be experienced within a short spell, and literature had to become a factor for raising the patriotic-revolutionary awareness of the enslaved Bulgarians to spiritual and political freedom, to building up a broader perspective, corresponding to the modern development of human civilization at the time. Initially, the hubs of literary activity were the monasteries. Then, from the middle of the XIX century until the end of the Revival, literary works in Bulgarian were created mainly in several larger emigrant centres (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Moscow, Bucharest, Braila, etc.). Meanwhile, many Bulgarian cities became educational and cultural centres with schools and community centres, where books were written and published.

The Revival is one of the most significant and turbulent periods in Bulgarian history. Therefore, we believe that drawing on its creative energy and messages will bring a new input of knowledge and insight into its historical, literary, and socio-political ideas. All this is necessary to build up the personality of the modern Humanities student and to introduce a new practice in the educational process, which is the modern tradition - to think over and reconsider the ideas embedded in the construct of the Bulgarian identity and the Bulgarian perception of life and the world.

The reasons to include undergraduates and students majoring in Pedagogy in this project are justified by the following:
1. Absence of trained pedagogical staff capable of working effectively on a project.
2. Hypertrophy of the project method, when it becomes a formality and not a necessity, so in this sense, it is to the detriment of other teaching methods.
3. Not to accept the project method in the first place as a means of financing, but as a real opportunity for in-depth problematization with a visible measuring result in practical terms, with realistic solutions to specific tasks.
4. The creative research intention is an integral part of the teacher's job and characteristics.

The project aims to overcome the difficulties in teaching Humanities. Another objective is to establish the creative and research-oriented attitude of the learner as essential to education.

Another essential aspect of training is the field workshop in the library old-printed fund. It integrates the problem approach, group methods, reflective, research, representative and presentative methodology.
Student training, algorithm, collectanea, enlightenment, literacy, project method, education.