University of Defence (CZECH REPUBLIC)
About this paper:
Conference name: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 4-6 July, 2016
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Following article deals with crucial motivational theories which study the process of motivating people in different point of views. These theories of motivation clarify the possibilities an organization has to encourage the personnel to use their abilities and to increase their effort to achieve the organization aims. Substantial for personnel evaluation is the evaluation of performance, abilities, knowledge and working behaviour but mainly the setting of aims for further development or personnel education, so that the set strategic aims of the organisation will be fulfilled.
Currently, there is an integration of personnel evaluation in theoretical and practical activity of the human resources management into the system of working performance management. Working performance management covers working performance agreement, education and development of the employee, continuous monitoring of the employee’s working performance for previous period of time. The working performance agreement, education and development are reflected in employees’ remuneration and in the management of their careers.
Key processes of the working performance management: personnel evaluation and motivation in general. The article then explains the process of service evaluation of the Army of the Czech Republic soldiers with emphasis on changes following the amendment of the Act No. 221/1999 Coll. On Professional Soldiers which is a crucial document for soldiers service evaluation. The amendment of this act is also reflected in the salary system of soldiers where one item of the salary is directly dependant on the soldiers’ service evaluation results which could be considered to be a significant form of external motivation.
The practical part of this article presents the empirical research results which were performed via questionnaires according to the method CAWI – Computer Assisted Web Interviewing. A structured questionnaire was draw up and was subjected to a pilotage as a part of a pre-research to verify the correctness, comprehensibility and appropriateness of questions of the structured questionnaire. The research itself was done in 2015; the basic respondents were junior officers of the Army of the Czech Republic from whom was created the selected group by a random stratified choice. This rank was chosen because it is responsible for comprehensive management and command of the group, platoon, stand, battery, company or set and it can be considered to be the middle management of the organization which is directly responsible for achieved results of the entrusted unit and has got a strategic meaning for the Ministry of Defence department. The research results are interpreted by using mathematical and statistical methods. The main aim of the research was to find out if the chosen respondents consider the service evaluation to be a personnel and motivation tool to achieve the needed performance, to his development and education and then to find out their awareness and attitude to the forthcoming changes in this process. The emphasis was also put on the identification of the most common set tasks and aims of a personal development and education. Keywords:
career management, motivation, personal development and education, service evaluation, the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic, working performance