1 Dutch Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (NETHERLANDS)
2 Belgian Order of Surveyors (BELGIUM)
3 Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Agency (BULGARIA)
4 Vilnius Technical University (LITHUANIA)
5 Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (BELGIUM)
6 European Association of Geographers (BELGIUM)
7 Flemish Association for Geographic Information (BELGIUM)
8 GEO Employment Market (NETHERLANDS)
9 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LITHUANIA)
About this paper:
Appears in:
EDULEARN15 Proceedings
Publication year: 2015
Pages: 7270-7280
ISBN: 978-84-606-8243-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
Conference name: 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-8 July, 2015
Location: Barcelona, Spain
“Exchange of best practices for transfer of innovation of GEO VET education to meet changing labour market needs in Europe following EU GEO policies” (Geo Skills Plus) is a European Commission funded project under DG Education and Culture, Leonardo da Vinci programme (Project No 2013-1-NL1-LEO05-12278). It began in October 2013 and will run until October 2015. Initiated by the Dutch and the Geo Employment Market Foundation (SAGEO), the GeoSkill Plus Project is an ambitious project aiming to match labour market needs with geo education offer in Europe.
The aim of this two-year project is to enable European countries to exchange best practices and innovation with each other regarding the gap between Europe’s geospatial vocational education and training and the geospatial labour market. There is a growing need for well-trained students at all levels – vocational, bachelors, masters – in the field of geospatial technologies. This is because there are a growing number of jobs available in land surveying, mapping data collection, data processing, data delivery and turning data into information.
In order to analyse the gap and to find out the reasons and factors, which have an influence on gap arisal, and creates the mismatch between European geospatial education community and geospatial labour market, the hierarchy of the gap structure was developed. Suggested structure was adopted for questionnaire of respondents by method of pairwise comparison and processing of obtained judgements by multi-criteria method – Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
The test AHP computations were made and expected digital values of gap factors importance was determined for some European countries. Based on these results the optimal ways to Raise Awareness of geospatial studies and increase student enrolment were set up. Geo Skills Plus also identified the gaps between the supply of geospatial jobs and the demand for qualified graduates in different European countries, and set up ways to bridge the gap. Ultimately a Cooperation Model is created that identifies all stakeholders and offers them the steps necessary to improve Europe’s position in the global geospatial market. Keywords:
Geospatial education, vocational training, best practice, AHP method.