Universidade da Coruña (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Page: 3143 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.0874
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
The aim of the ERASMUS+ Project Forward Looking at the Offshore RenewablES – developing tools and activities to support and expand the Pact for skills in the Offshore Renewable Energies (FLORES) is to identify, test, develop or assess tools or structures focused on brokering and building cooperation between large companies and micro, small and medium companies (SMEs) along a value chain in the same industrial ecosystem with the involvement of other players relevant for up- and reskilling.
The objective of this cooperation must be the upskilling and reskilling of people at working age in a particular value chain or industrial ecosystem. The project could also serve the purpose of laying the ground for large-scale skills partnerships in industrial ecosystems.

FLORES isissued from the Large-Scale Partnership launching the Pact for Skills in the Offshore Renewable Energies (P4S-ORE). FLORES activities, research and tools address the strengthening of skills development in the ORE industrial ecosystem, in clear alignment with the call priority 3, Supporting the Pact for Skills. The FLORES proposal was conceived to feed the activity of the P4S-ORE Working Groups with innovative solutions with the potential to be mainstreamed in the sector and its value chain, including maritime sectors such as shipbuilding or maritime transport. The use of the FLORES results by the P4S-ORE members in their capacity building activities and their role as ambassadors of an innovative approach to the ORE upskilling and reskilling processes at EU level will ensure the sustainable exploitation of its main outputs as well as their transferability to different contexts and audiences.

As a result, the FLORES promotes the use of new instruments from the Skills Agenda, and the continuous application of skills intelligence to promote targeted skills processes in the ORE emerging industrial ecosystem.

Related with the Life-long Learning (LLL) the main objective is to stimulate of a dedicated training offer for the ORE, by achieving the following specific objectives:
- Underpin the skilling process for the new jobs expected in the sector
- Improve up-skilling opportunities in the field of ORE the actual workforce
- Promote innovative approaches in LLL

The fundations of LLL are Strengthening the motivation to learn for the young through Active and project-based learning, A wide range of vocational education programmes and opportunities to combine classroom learning with learning in work settings and motivating adult Learners though the need for appropriate teaching methods, the need for flexibility in the scheduling and practicalities of adult learning and the importance of targeting adults who are hard to reach.

Life-long learning offer to increase specialisation for the managerial positions:
• Engineering skills: electrical, structural, adaptation for decarbonisation in ORE maritime operations.
• Digital skills: remote control, data analytics
• Human Resources readiness for inclusive workforce transition

The analyzed types of training are: MOOC, Blended Intensive programs, Midrocredentials and winter/summer schools.
Life-long Learning, Offshore Renewable Energies.