Universidad Nacional de Colombia (COLOMBIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 11-13 November, 2019
Location: Seville, Spain
The spatial learning done by the human being has developed with drawing through instruction, with the aim of demonstrating with a stroke, an image or a word what is devised, repeated, has been learned, dreamed, imagined and created. Drawing, being the primitive form of human expression and natural attitude since childhood, shows via graphic representations the self and collective conception of the surrounding, life, world exploration, emotions and feelings expressed through their basic form (understood as the conjunction of lines, points, plans with colours). Thus, the hand –that is part of the human body– is the instrument that allows the reflection, modelling, transformation, materialization and creation of ideas and imaginaries; suggesting a dichotomy and flexibility in its conception, as it is means and the tool for the expression of ideas mediated with the creativity.
Nevertheless, these processes of representation and expression do not generally involve a conscience and use of the human body –in an individual, social and collective character– on their manifestation, provoking distance and wrong conceptions about space, non-space and its appropriation in diverse scales (individual/typological, grouping and social/urban-implantation).
With the objective of evincing the importance of drawing and the graphic expression skills in the understanding, creation and spatial proposition in the fields of ARCH (Architecture) and ID (Industrial Design), the own, alien and collective corporal identification is assumed to generate spaces and links in a weave of individual and social relations, that are nourished by creativity and propositional authenticity of students, professionals, creators and spatial inhabitants.
For this purpose, the learning, teaching, professional and academic application processes of authors are taken as case studies. Regarding technical and artistic drawing, in its diverse expression forms, they give an account of spatialities, objects and depicted ideas. Through drawing, the space is constructed and materialized, being deemed since the own body and connecting with other spaces-bodies that amplify or modify their scales, components and relationships to arouse the understanding from inhabit, living together and the appropriation of humans as habitants, citizens, owners, visitors and wanderers, demonstrating the importance of recognising the body and its proportion, as a basis for the generation of spaces-objects and the aim of their transition from a process mainly unconscious to one conscious, that leads to the improvement of spatial conditions.Keywords:
Creativity, Drawing, Space, Architecture, Industrial Design, Idea, Expression, Body, Hand, Image, Consciousness.