University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business (SLOVENIA)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2022 Proceedings
Publication year: 2022
Pages: 4386-4394
ISBN: 978-84-09-37758-9
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.1175
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
An important aspect of research in the field of information solution acceptance is also UX (user experience). UX covers all aspects of digital products and services, that users feel, sence directly while getting to know them and while using them regularly. We used a standard freely available UEQ questionnaire, that is used for measuring UX of interactive products and services. The scales of the questionnaire cover a comprehensive impression of user experience. Both classical usability aspects (efficiency, perspicuity, dependability) and user experience aspects (originality, stimulation) are measured. The paper will present a comparative analisys of UX in the case of two distant learning solutions: Moodle and Microsoft Teams (MS Teams). The purpose of the research was to identify the factors, that influence on students UX when using each of the solutions mentioned. All students at Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, have used Moodel as primary distant learning solution before the pandemic. At that time MS Teams was used by all students only with common courses from Department of e-business. Students that have chosen study field E-business, have used MS Teams with all study field courses. The scope of functionalities used was the same in both Moodle and MS Teams solutions (notifications, announcements, study material, relevant links etc.). The results of the data collected before the pandemic showed that in case of students using MS Teams only within one common course, the UX was better with Moodle solution. On the other hand, in case of students that used MS Teams within several courses, UX was better with MS Teams solution. With the pandemic, students were directed to use both solutions with all courses in a way that Moodle was primarily inteded for study material sharing, while MS Teams was intended for videoconferencing for lectures and exercises. Since MS Teams offers other collaboration functionalities, such as sharing files, announcements, links, online quizes, online contact hours, assigning and collecting assignments, a signicant number of teachers were using these funkctionalities for their classes. We wanted to study the effects of pandemic and the changes in use of MS Moodle and MS Teams solutions on perceived UX, so we repeated the data collection at the end of pandemic. The paper will present the preliminary results of the pre pandemic research and post pandemic research.
UX (user experience), Moodle, Microsoft Teams.