University of Almeria (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 1362-1365
ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2020.0358
Conference name: 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 9-10 November, 2020
Location: Online Conference
For several years now, teaching innovation methodologies have been applied on a pilot basis to the European Union Economics subject in the Degree in Economics. Among others, the use of:
- Concept maps: In this way, students learn to synthesize the subject and it serves as a basis for the presentations. All the chapters have been made and the best ones are put on the platform to serve as reinforcement for the next students.
- Blog: By means of this tool the students can contribute with news and articles during a period of time.
- Map on the knowledge of Europe: At the end of the course, students will have to play a role in groups about the different European countries. Both from the economic perspective and other political, social and cultural aspects. They must also provide a gastronomic product from the chosen country on the day of the exhibition.

This map can be found at:

- Wiki: Students include concepts related to the European Union.
- Discussion platform: The 2019/20 year was about "Brexit and the European Union".
- Flipper Classroom: Videos collected in the media library have been put on display, and once seen at home they have been discussed in class.
- Kahoot: Three have been made during the term.

The implementation of these methodologies has been a resounding success, allowing students to acquire knowledge in dynamic and enriching teaching and learning processes.

In view of such success, the objective of this communication is to analyse whether these results are maintained if these methodologies are extrapolated to other subjects. Specifically, the transfer of the methodology of the subject Economy of the E.U. to other subjects: Policies and Instruments of Local Development, Co-development and Complements for the Formation of the Economy, Trade and Tourism the following questions:
- Blog: by means of this tool students can contribute news, articles and videos during a period of time that will serve as a basis for the corresponding chapter. At the end, in groups, they will have to take all this information as a reference and materialize it in a concept map that will be exposed in classes.
- One kahoot per chapter will be done to evaluate the evolution of the student's knowledge.
- Kaldor's magic square will be applied. By means of this tool it is possible to highlight the economic situation of a country at a given moment. The four most relevant macro-variables of an economy are shown graphically in a single graphic representation.
- A virtual library related to documents of the corresponding subject will be set up.
- More role play will be implemented in groups. In this way, collaborative work will be established.

The results highlight the need to promote the use of new teaching methodologies, develop alternative learning assessment methods to the traditional ones and enhance the efficient use of technologies for learning
Teaching Innovation, Higher Education, Teaching Methodologies.