University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (BULGARIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-8 March, 2022
Location: Online Conference
Computer graphics is a discipline that looks at the set of methods and tools involved in creating, converting, and reproducing graphic images using graphics programs called editors or systems. It is inherently interdisciplinary. The share of computer science is very large, but without physics we will never be able to achieve realism and images close to the real ones. The creation of images is done by all three types of computer graphics (raster, vector and fractal). The process of creating realistic images can be represented as the implementation of three consecutive and interrelated stages, called: modeling, rendering (model transformation) and imaging (visualization). The aim of this paper is to present some innovative approaches for teaching computer graphics. A short overview and comparison in the computer graphics teaching methods at University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and two other Bulgarian universities have been done.
The curriculum and qualification characteristics of the main courses are analysed with an emphasis on the advantages and disadvantages of the respective training in the compared universitites. The main focus of the paper is the ULSIT’s model of computer graphics training. Some main results obtained by students and difficulties met in the training are summarized.
The training in the computer graphics’ program aims to develop the creativity of the students. The creation of a complex three-dimensional object can be done by modeling, photogrammetry, three-dimensional scanning, or explicit description, all these techniques are stimulating the creativity of the students. The lectures on the computer graphics are based on materials from Cornell University. One of the biggest problems discovered is that the students are good programmers but are not so good mathematicians.
The training in the IP master's program will increase the legal culture of students, will stimulate the contact between students and trainers due to the fundamental and practically applied nature. It is envisaged that the training will be accompanied by opportunities to supplement professional skills through participation in seminars and master classes, preparation of scientific publications. Going through such training can later be upgraded to a doctoral program. The results of a project for the application of mixed reality in the preservation of cultural and historical heritage are presented.
The training in computer graphics is becoming increasingly important. The visualization of the objects will be done in different and more realistic ways. The training in computer graphics at ULSIT is designed to be up to date on these future changes. Creating conditions for the development of creative thinking will give higher competitiveness of learners in the labour market and to the promotion of an active civil society. Keywords:
Computer graphics, 3D, games.