University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (SLOVAKIA)
About this paper:
Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 6-7 July, 2020
Location: Online Conference
The paper describes best practices based on the Erasmus+ Project “Internationalisation and Development of Doctoral Studies”. This project connects PhD programs in German studies at three universities in Slovakia, the Czech and Poland. The project's aim is to improve the training qualitatively, especially in terms of content and methodology. In particular, internationalisation is sought, which will also lead to an exchange of best knowledge and best practice. The initial situation to which the project responds is characterized by the fact that a substantial proportion of PhD students does not complete their studies, but drops them off prematurely. In particular, one of the causes is an inadequate methodological and content-related qualification, which is associated with a lack of experience in the international scientific context. Specifically, the project will achieve its goals through a broad range of different measures, not only aimed at students, but also at teachers and supervisors in doctoral studies. The intensive exchange of experience and further education occupies a central point within the project. International seminars on the methodological and professional qualification of doctoral students as well as joint seminars for teachers and supervisors in the doctoral program contribute to this. The paper will focus on the project outcomes, in particular, the development of a handbook (teaching material) for doctoral students, a joint publication of the results of doctoral research and the development of a methodological curriculum based on the best experiences of the partners involved.Keywords:
Best practices, networking, German studies, PhD degree, internationalization.