Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" (ITALY)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2020 Proceedings
Publication year: 2020
Pages: 5219-5229
ISBN: 978-84-09-17939-8
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2020.1416
Conference name: 14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 2-4 March, 2020
Location: Valencia, Spain
The final work of the thesis in Architecture Courses is analysed in the present paper both from the point of view of the didactic-methodological approach, and of the issues addressed with particular importance to the sustainability of the interventions, to the international dimension and to the relationships with realities and the local authorities involved.

As regards the didactic approach, a reflection is proposed on the role of the figures of reference and support for the graduating students constituted by the supervisor and by the eventual co- supervisor for the deepening of specific aspects. It is a support that, with rigor and method, starts from the general cognitive investigation phase related to the subject dealt with, goes through the project proposal phase and is completed with the study of aspects of particular interest that emerged during the thesis work and that for this requires progressive in-depth analysis.

The approach pursued will be made explicit by having recourse to some didactic experiences of the final thesis that one of the authors, teaching Assistant with proven skills on the subjects of the chosen theses, has followed as co-supervisor.

As regards the international dimension Master Courses in Architecture at Department of Architecture and Industrial Design promote the mobility activities of students in foreign university for the importance that an international experience has for student's resume and professional and personal growth. Specifically, our University offers opportunities for exchange both in European countries through the Erasmus+ program than non- European ones. As part of the last one in recent years some thesis work has been conducted in cooperation with an Argentine University on issues of common interest but also comparing different approach methodologies in research for final work of a Course. The final paper will detail the activities carried out in two thesis works on topics related to Italian-Argentine architectural culture.

Finally, the comparison with stakeholders is an aspect that plays a key role in most of the didactic experiences of the final thesis that one of the authors followed as a tutor both in the Course of Study in Architecture (five years) and in the Course of Study in Design and Communication (three years). The reflections that are proposed on this aspect, in fact, take their cue from some project proposals in which the Public Bodies or Associations have been privileged interlocutors sometimes imposing other constraints, instead, offering interesting insights on which to develop the strategies to be put in place.

In conclusion the reflections that are proposed highlight that the international dimension of the project, the comparison with the stakeholders and, in general, with the territorial realities in which it operates, are aspects that can qualify the final path of thesis going to increase the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal itself.
Didactic-methodological approach, sustainability, international dimension, stakeholders comparison.