University of Education Ludwigsburg (GERMANY)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 9777-9784
ISBN: 978-84-09-34549-6
ISSN: 2340-1095
doi: 10.21125/iceri.2021.2273
Conference name: 14th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 8-9 November, 2021
Location: Online Conference
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people between the ages of 15 and 29 (cf. World Health Organization 2019). In addition, scientific studies have shown that children and young people from the age of twelve deal with the subject of suicide, both their suicidality and that of friends and classmates (cf. Bilke 2009). The success of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why shows that the subject of suicide is attracting great interest among young recipients.

Dealing with suicide, therefore, has a fixed place in child and youth development and should also be addressed in school.

Against this background, it is regrettable that children's and youth literature research on this topic has so far been neglected. Most publications are limited to a presentation of the published works and cite topics such as bullying, violence, or family problems as possible causes of suicide without reflection on the contribution of these acts to the suicidal act.

The article tries to close an existing research gap by first showing theoretically the effect structures of the representation of perpetrators and victims of suicide. This focus appears to be conclusive, as it is not limited to an assignment of blame or an examination of the causes, but rather works out influences and actions in a multilayered manner and makes their consequences tangible for reflection. In addition, the focus on the reader's perspective considers the construction of meaning that is necessary to enable a coherent examination of the content.

Following this, the computer game Life is Strange will be used to show how the literary portrayal of perpetrators and victims of suicide can take place and what role the recipients play in the construction of these structures.

Life is strange is particularly suitable, as it not only addresses suicide as a topic but also the players’ decisions for individual actions that contribute to the suicidal action of the character of Kate. Furthermore, Life is strange does not only addresses suicide but also various literary depictions of perpetrators and victims of suicide and encourages the recipients to reflect on this topic (cf. Frank 2016; cf. Shah 2016). Furthermore, the players are not only constructed as potential perpetrators in the computer game, rather it is shown in the further course of the game that the bereaved after a suicide can also become victims of it.

The article deals with the literary representation of perpetrators and victims of suicide in literary objects. In addition, the example of Life is strange shows which compositions of meaning and meaning are necessary on the part of the recipients in order to create these structures.

[1] Bilke, Oliver (2009): Herausforderung Suizidalität. Wie Depressionen und Todessehnsüchte bei Kindern und Jugendlichen entstehen und schwierige Trauerprozesse bewältigt werden können. In: JuLit, H. 01, S. 9-15.
[2] Frank, Allegra (2016): How Life is Strange just might save lives – in-game and in real life. <>
[3] Shah, Sachin (2016): Bullying, depression and suicide: takind responsibility in Life is strange. <>
[4] World Health Organization (2019): Suicide: one person dies every 40 seconds. <>
Suicide, Life is Strange, Predators and Victims, Decisions, Responsibility.