Universidad Nebrija (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Page: 8875 (abstract only)
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.2139
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
Digitalisation in higher education has led to the need for training in digital competences for university teaching staff, training that requires frequent updating and must be in line with the digital transformation of society, so society must have digitally competent teaching staff (Fuentes et al., 2019). Institutions should include in their annual training plans training in digital competences for their teaching staff, although the approach may be different depending on the objectives to be achieved. In the study by Viñoles-Cosentino et al. (2022), it was found that, in some institutions, although they did have training proposals for improving digital competence in teaching, these remained at a theoretical level or with a very low level of specific training actions. On the other hand, in those that did have well-founded proposals, these could be grouped into two types: on the one hand, those that presented more classical approaches of traditional expository training and those with non-traditional approaches based on active and collaborative methodologies. Other authors such as George Reyes et al., (2022) have found different studies that approached the development of these digital competences from a humanistic and cultural perspective. This study presents a humanistic techno-pedagogical adoption model in the context of adaptation to a new virtual campus tool, Blackboard Learn Ultra, at Nebrija University. A two-phase training plan was designed and is currently being developed in the academic year 2023-24, the first phase with the pilot of 16 university degrees of different modalities to 300 teachers and the preparation of phase 2 with the training of the entire educational community.

The humanistic adoption model designed is made up of three fundamental elements:
1) Training cycles with active methodologies for two months, repeated several times a year at different times,
2) Specialised accompaniment by each digital education manager to the teaching staff of the degree with specialised accompaniment and training,
3) General accompaniment sessions once a week, aimed at resolving doubts and incidents with the tools.

The design of the methodology was carried out during the month of May 2023 and was implemented from September 2023, where it continues to this day. An average satisfaction score of 9 out of 10 was obtained in the training cycles given during the first semester, which shows a high level of satisfaction with the methodology and the training given. During the month of February 2024, a survey was given to all the teachers in the pilot to find out their assessment of the model and the new tool, and it was found that satisfaction with the general and specialised accompaniment in digital competences was rated at 9.35 out of 10. It was found that the teachers have adopted the use of the new tool with ease and with a positive attitude, which has been transferred to their adequate performance of the educational technology tools, which can undoubtedly be considered successful in the overall adoption model of this tool. This is due to a humanistic approach to the development of digital competences, centred on the accompaniment and proximity to the teacher on a daily basis by a team specialising in digital education.
Digital competence, humanism, education, higher education teacher, ICT competences.