University of Lleida (SPAIN)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2016 Proceedings
Publication year: 2016
Pages: 5229-5236
ISBN: 978-84-608-5617-7
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2016.0251
Conference name: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-9 March, 2016
Location: Valencia, Spain
In today's society, it is becoming increasingly difficult to enter the professional world. Is it necessary to foster talent and entrepreneurial culture in the university community? Is it necessary to promote training in the field of entrepreneurship and acquisition of knowledge, skills and specific resources?

Academic contributions such as Molnar, Miron, Urchel, (2009), Mateo, et al, (2012), studies such as Valero (2011), Kissi, Matthew, Samuel, (2015) and also the available evidence indicate that the real innovation in entrepreneurship depends on the methodological design that teachers do about the entrepreneurship aptitude, the knowledge of entrepreneurship and business ability.

The experience that we present is focused on EDUCAEMPREN project. It is an innovative project of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work at the University of Lleida (UDL). The important aim is to develop initiatives addressed to insure the achievement of entrepreneurial skills among future teachers through developing the final projects of the grade (TFG). The initial premise reports the enterprising spirit must not only be aimed at the ration of new businesses or promote self-employment. But it is considered the engine that will motivate the next generations to be more creative and have more confidence in their own abilities.

From that perspective and through the teachers’ initiative of the group of EDO-UdL group (subgroup EDO research group (Organizational Development Team) and students and students of the Degree in Primary Education and Education of the University of Lleida have motivated the development of FYP about the subject. The results have allowed to go into detail in methodological strategies to train new graduates with entrepreneurship education.
In this paper communicate the experience of the University of Lleida during the academic year is explained from 2012-2015 on designing career to work on entrepreneurship. The purpose is to provide evidence on the model, to know the opinion of the students before and after implementation of the methodology and analyze their satisfaction in the development work.

The method used was an evaluation study and data were collected through three instruments: the official university survey, a questionnaire developed and validated for this research, a focus group and academic marks. The results show an enrichment of the teaching-learning process in the aspects of the assimilation of concepts, the changing role of the teacher and students, improving the skills of creativity.

[1] Kissi, E., Matthew, K., Samuel, K. (2015).Towards Entrepreneurial Learning Competencies: The Perspective of Built Environment Students Higher Education Studies, 5 (1), 20-30.
[2] Molnar, A., Miron, G., Urchel, J. (2009). Profiles of For-Profit Educational Management Organizations: Eleventh Annual Report. Arizona: Commercialism in Education Research Unit.
[3] Mateo, J., Escofet, A., Ventura, J., Vlachopoulos, D. (2012). The Final Year Project (FYP) in Social Sciences: Establishment of Its Associated Competences and Evaluation Standards. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 38 (1), 28-34.
teacher training, university, entrepreneurial, final year project (FYP).