1 South Ural State Humanitarian-Pedagogical University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
2 Moscow Pedagogical State University (RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
About this paper:
Appears in: INTED2021 Proceedings
Publication year: 2021
Pages: 3189-3198
ISBN: 978-84-09-27666-0
ISSN: 2340-1079
doi: 10.21125/inted.2021.0671
Conference name: 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 8-9 March, 2021
Location: Online Conference
At a modern stage of activity of the general educational organizations the urgency of a problem of improvement of quality of education, development of the personality of schoolchildren is obvious. These factors make it a special task for the school to strengthen the work aimed at obtaining new information for schoolchildren, its processing and application in practice and in life. In modern requirements to the quality of physical education, much attention is paid to experimental training of schoolchildren. Methodical training of the future physics teacher to use experimental tasks in training of schoolchildren includes several aspects: knowledge of age features of the process of cognition of schoolchildren, the ability to organize experimental activities of schoolchildren using different types of experimental tasks in accordance with the set didactic goals, mastery of the methodology and technique of the experiment. During consideration of the age categories of schoolchildren, we decided to choose the younger teenagers and conditions of early learning of the subject.

Schoolchildren are particularly interested in experimental activities at this age. The experiment is related to empirical knowledge, which has its own peculiarities at this age. When studying physical phenomena and processes, their theoretical and mathematical models are not considered. Therefore, when formulating a hypothesis about the relationships between different phenomena and their regularities, schoolchildren are guided by intuitive considerations based on their life experience. During various observations and experiments, the hypothesis is tested, schoolchildren form ideas about the properties of phenomena, their essential features, methods of scientific cognition, and then the revealed regularities are used to explain a number of homogeneous phenomena. The technology of productive learning, used in the process of training students (future teachers of physics) orients them to create methodological and didactic materials aimed at the development of students. The goal of our study is to develop a methodology to prepare future physics teachers to use experimental tasks in teaching young teenagers productive learning technology. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to proceed from the age-specific features of the development of younger teenagers, as well as the metasubject content of the physics course, the possibilities of this subject in the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren.

This work continues the authors' research on methodological training of future physics teachers using productive learning technology. Important aspects of the methodological training of future teachers include:
1) description of the mechanism of selection of experimental tasks depending on their functions in the educational process;
2) description of the types of experimental tasks depending on the time of use in the educational process, the place of the experiment and the methods of activity of schoolchildren;
3) Description of requirements to the structure, content and design of didactic materials aimed at organizing educational activities of young teenagers using experimental tasks.

The results of the presented research based on the expertise of educational products created by students allow us to draw conclusions about the need for further improvement of methodological training of future physics teachers in the field of school physics experiment.
Physics science, physics science education, experimental tasks, types of tasks, school physics experiment.