About this paper:
Conference name: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 6-8 March, 2017
Location: Valencia, Spain
The reading challenges that non-native English speaking students face have remained the same for many years. One challenge at university level is developing effective reading strategies that enhance students’ reading comprehension. To this end, teachers are faced with the challenge of creating lessons aimed at developing effective reading strategies that lead to students becoming more independent readers in and outside the classroom.
Teaching students to master reading strategies in general and EAP courses in particular is challenging. Therefore, several methods that bundle a set of reading strategies have provided guidelines for students to practice reading independently. One of these strategies is SQ3R.SQ3R is an acronym for a 5 step reading and study method originally suggested by Francis Pleasant Robinson in his book “Effective Study”. Robinson (1906-1983) was a professor of Psychology at Ohio State University. Robison headed the Learning and Study Skills Program at OSU and based on his research, devised the SQ3R methods and other techniques to help students acquire reading skills. This method provides a systematic approach to reading and suggests that students write down a set of questions first and then read actively with the aim of answering these questions.
This method will allow students to use their memory to their full potential by creating a visual and auditory memory of the text. In addition, students use repetition of the material as a sort of rote style of memory. It has also been proven beneficial for students to write out notes instead of highlighting them. Writing them out requires much more thorough processing than the simple action of running a bright color over a few words. Students who utilize the SQ3R will also require less time studying since most of the materials have been stored in their long term memory.
SQ3R is an effective reading method that incorporates several higher level study strategies. It includes 5 steps: Surveying, Questioning, Reading, Reciting and Reviewing. SQ3R imitates the reading pattern of proficient readers. However, and more importantly, it provides a useful strategy for poor readers to assist in improving their reading skills by providing a sequential set of steps that give meaning and purpose to reading. The questioning and summarizing aspects of SQ3R have also been separately proven to enhance reading comprehension. It has also been verified that it is a particularly effective strategy to improve learning at the knowledge and comprehension levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy.
This systematic approach to reading is as relevant now as it was in the 1940s. In today’s classrooms students may be required to use both paper text books as well as e-books; SQ3R can easily be adapted to both.
The aim of this session is to show how to seamlessly integrate pedagogical reading strategies with e-book and academic paper text book readers.
The focus will include:
• Common reading challenges for EAP students
• Presenting some common strategies and methods with a focus on SQ3R
• Defining SQ3R
• How to adapt SQ3R reading strategy and note taking to the 21st century
• Presenting a variety of examples of student’s work
• Benefits of SQ3R