Dalarna University (SWEDEN)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN24 Proceedings
Publication year: 2024
Pages: 6561-6568
ISBN: 978-84-09-62938-1
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2024.1551
Conference name: 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2024
Location: Palma, Spain
This paper presents a review of research on synchronous desktop conferencing in distance higher education conducted between 2013 and 2023. The technology used for desktop conferencing, also called web conferencing, is software in the form of a plug-in to the browser of the computer. This makes participation from everywhere possible since required equipment is a computer, an Internet connection, a webcam, and a headset. Desktop conferencing should not be confused with the previously most used technology for synchronous video meetings, i.e. video conferencing, which demands special studios and more expensive equipment and therefore, has limitations regarding spatial flexibility. Examples of desktop conference applications are Adobe Connect, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, which offer possibilities with synchronous video, audio, and full spatial flexibility. In addition, desktop conferencing often provides other useful features as break-out rooms for collaborative work and group discussions, text-based chat, notes, shared screen, shared document, shared application, shared whiteboard etc.

During the pandemic, the very fast shift from campus to online learning increased the use of desktop conferencing dramatically, e.g. Zoom and Microsoft Teams, as this was a possibility for “meeting” students synchronously when many classrooms were abruptly closed during Covid-19. However, there was seldom time for considering the best ways to use desktop conferencing and much of the teaching during the pandemic and sometime afterwards can be described as “emergency remote teaching”. Many of the teaching methods used on campus were just moved to, e.g. Zoom or Microsoft Teams, without necessary adaptations to the new teaching and learning environment with desktop conferencing.

The implementation of digital technologies changes the teaching and learning situation and it is important to investigate how we can make use of technologies in the best possible way from a pedagogical point of departure. Desktop conferencing has been much used during and after the pandemic, new features have been added, and now, we are also more experienced in using desktop conferencing in online teaching. Synchronous video meetings are important to reduce the Transactional Distance, i.e. psychological distance, which can result in students’ difficulties in understanding and communication. To promote a social environment and engagement in the online environment pedagogical strategies are important. Therefore, there are good reasons to conduct a literature review of research on desktop conferencing with the aim to investigate:
How can research on desktop conferencing inform teaching and learning in this online environment?

To find studies with a pedagogical approach from teacher and student perspectives on desktop conferencing, data bases as e.g. Scopus and ERIC are used. A previous search before the pandemic, indicated that a limited number of results was found, but an increased interest in research on desktop conferencing can be noted from year 2020.

The result of the review of the research on desktop conferencing is analysed into themes, e.g. focus on technology, comparison of technologies, “Zoom fatigue” etc. However, focus of the presentation of the results is on pedagogical themes from teacher and student perspectives, e.g. different methods of using desktop conferencing and its features, and possibilities and constraints of using desktop conferencing in teaching and learning.
Technology, desktop conferencing, web conferencing, literature review, video.