Facultad Regional Rosario. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (ARGENTINA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN23 Proceedings
Publication year: 2023
Pages: 5858-5868
ISBN: 978-84-09-52151-7
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2023.1530
Conference name: 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 3-5 July, 2023
Location: Palma, Spain
One of the challenges faced when teaching engineering subjects is the dissociation between the acquisition of conceptual knowledge, the use of this knowledge for abstract modelling and the creation of an algorithm. In order to foster the necessary link for a meaningful construction, we consider posing problem situations from which notions and procedures are formed, where the technological tool does not act simply as a cognitive amplifier, but as a use of it with a deeper impact on the processes of modelling and construction of logical structures, particularly associated with mathematical logic and calculus.
Alternative proposals were developed for the students, allowing them to choose the methodology with which the subject was evaluated in an integral way. Each student had to opt to do a traditional evaluation or the search and presentation of applied problems through of the inverted class model. In one hand this proposal was made to students of Mathematical Analysis I in Information Systems Engineering to promote the horizontal articulation concept - algorithm; on the other hand, Informatics Fundaments students in Mechanical Engineering were provided with an incremental self-learning methodology through teamwork to enable a connection between abstract modelling and the algorithmic logic of programming. It is sought that the student promotes the strengthening of the autonomy with the computational tool, surpassing the procedural instrumental vision that only uses computers as tools but as an instrument.
Building models and/or properly using those that have already been designed, for certain situations that provide the ability to interpret them on the basis of concepts, is a key competence in engineer training. Problem solving involves complex mental processes that require working in the real world as well as in the modelled world. The problem was approached from a complex perspective inferred as a contextualized process were theoretical orientation, contextualization and problematization interplay. Feedback during the process, the possibility of improvement, self-evaluation and peer evaluation, as well as reflection are elements that promote the development of skills.
Workshops and colloquiums were given in extracurricular classes, in a first attempt to grasp the basic concepts in relation to elements of subjects articulated vertically or horizontally, with the support of interactive simulations created in symbolic calculation and logic modelling software. It is intended to show a didactic sequence of problem situations, activities that promote the construction of integrated concepts, which is inscribed in the framework of curricular design and proposes a methodological approach for the construction of a link between the concept and the model, and between model and algorithm.
This paper reflects what was developed by the students, through the exhibition of their assignments, they completed a significant multidisciplinary evaluation, focused on situations, actions and arguments of the concepts and in interrelation with the articulated contents. This methodology encourages students to assume a leading role in their learning management processes, with the flexibility to adapt to the different didactic organization models that enhance learning in the new technological and social context in which we currently live in.
Computer science, logical-conceptual link, modelling-algorithm link, self-management of learning.