Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Rosario (ARGENTINA)
About this paper:
Appears in: EDULEARN19 Proceedings
Publication year: 2019
Pages: 4668-4676
ISBN: 978-84-09-12031-4
ISSN: 2340-1117
doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1168
Conference name: 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Dates: 1-3 July, 2019
Location: Palma, Spain
At the beginning of 1950, Computational Mathematic (CM) arose as an area of applied Mathematics. It includes the design of informatics architectures and the study of a algorithms for modelling engineering process thorough differential equations sustained by a mathematical theory seeking the understanding of non-linear phenomenon included into models and challenging the computational methods.

CM and the new technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) have changed the links stablished with the ways of teaching-learning, and they impact on the academically activities related to Mathematics. Both, MC and NTIC, affect the understanding of teachers about the theoretical and methodological developments and about the applications of complexity perspective, to promote an interdisciplinary approach of curricular contents of study schedules and aiming to train professionals who able to solve complex models using technology. Therefore, the tool/instrument to observe and measure and the theory which we think Mathematics are essentials.

Recent experiences enable us to rethink how CM emerges at epistemological substrate of Engineering and which is the empowerment and priorities of teachers with the CM. In this work we ask how the interaction of informatics systems is at Educational context, and which kinds of representations the teachers have when applying computational tools.

This work has two objectives:
a) To analyse the teachers’ representations about CM and NTIC in Mechanical Engineering (ME) grade career, and
b) To review study curricular guidelines and different paradigms for teaching Mathematics at our University (NTU).

The research methodology adopted is thorough a hermeneutical-dialectic study. A survey was carried out with n=24 teachers of superior cycle of ME grade career at NTU Rosario city (Argentina). Superior cycle was defined as a teacher dictating signatures of ME career (3rd, 4th or 5th year). Survey was instrumented with a pre-structured questionnaire. The answer alternatives were analysed.

Results show that just 90% of teachers surveyed use the computational tool as spreadsheet and calculus software, simulation programs, presentation alternative programs (Power-Point, Prezi) and fundamentally as a virtual campus; 22% of teachers apply the informatics tool as a direct substitutive tool, 11% use them as modification tool, and remaining 11% as restitution tool. Only 25% of surveyed teachers participate in monthly meetings of Departmental Councils; somebody should not be correlative subjects to keep attending to upper years, arguing that those unnecessary situations induce students to abandon the career.

As a conclusion, teachers from superior cycle of ME grade career show a weak empowerment with CM. Computer has become an instrumental and utilitarian device, when compared to traditional conservative models. Teachers surveyed did not identify the value of CM integration for the solution of complexity problems inherent to ME. This survey provided relevant information about curricular transformations: the evolution of some subjects of ME call for the need of a critically review as well as a revision of perspectives of instruction use which CM requires.
Computational mathematics, complexity, educational strategies, mathematical education.