1 University of Foreign Languages and Business Career (KAZAKHSTAN)
2 Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (KAZAKHSTAN)
About this paper:
Conference name: 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Dates: 7-9 March, 2016
Location: Valencia, Spain
In the modern conditions of integration of Kazakhstan into the world community and the transformation of Kazakhstani and European educational systems in the digital age of information and communication technologies and mass media (Internet, video, television, electronic resources), a special importance is given to the preparation of young people to an independent and successful life, able to think critically, resist the negative impact from the outside, and self-affirm.
The formation of new paradigm of students' thinking (at different levels of education) is implemented by the state, which is reflected in the educational standards of the new generation. In the context of the current situation, the system of higher education is to ensure the development of students' abilities of using the foreign language as a communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world. The foreign language acts as the transmitter of culture, it enriches the content of teaching due to the absorption of new values and meanings of other cultures by the learners. As in a modern, multicultural society, the number of information resources in English exceeds all the others, the article presents the features of the use of authentic video contents in the teaching of the English language.
Authentic video contents are becoming increasingly popular as a new educational resource, which promotes the implementation of the principles of situational, dialogic learning process. The development of critical thinking and creativity of students through the video contents in the process of learning foreign languages is one of priority directions.
In the modern conditions a greater importance is given to the development of social-cultural competence in the field of professional communication of students as a component of the content of foreign language teaching. Socio-cultural competence includes a complex of knowledge about the culture of the language being studied: the conditions and culture of communication, the rules of verbal behavior under the conditions of professionally oriented foreign language communication, etiquette, non-verbal forms of expression, the physical conditions of life, nature, climate, lifestyle of native speakers of the foreign language, their value system, mentality, national character of relations between people. Socio-cultural competence is based on the isolation of the realities of foreign language culture, the comparison of two or more cultures, as well as identifying the cultural differences of ethnic, gender, social, demographic and linguistic nature, which allows students to represent their country and its culture in the process of professional communication, taking into account possible cultural interference with listeners, anticipating the possible causes of misunderstandings and resolve problems by choosing the adequate means of verbal interaction.
In the framework of this research as a basis for the development of socio-cultural competence in professionally oriented English language teaching are suggested authentic video contents.Keywords:
Foreign language teaching, methodology, video contents, sociocultural competence.