Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Delta (ARGENTINA)
About this paper:
Appears in: ICERI2013 Proceedings
Publication year: 2013
Pages: 5143-5145
ISBN: 978-84-616-3847-5
ISSN: 2340-1095
Conference name: 6th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
Dates: 18-20 November, 2013
Location: Seville, Spain
Secondary school training has been losing important features during the last decades. Training in specific technical and science areas such as biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics, are showing a negative level regarding the useful and applicable skills in the academic life of a higher level.

Students aim to enter the training institutes (universities) with a knowledge that is insufficient for the required level and with strong customs pertaining to the secondary level that do not correspond to a higher level.
In quality tests carried out by national and international agencies, Argentine education shows clear signs of increasing deterioration and the strategies undertaken by universities or other training centers in order to overcome these difficulties are no sufficient to have access and especially stay in a high level of education. Currently, 20% of these students have access and stay in the first academic year, but there are fewer students in the careers as time goes by.

Primary and secondary training consists of 6 years where it is supposed that students, after having finished those 12 years of training, should be able to face a college or university level without important problems not only on curricular issues but also on issues of organization and overall performance. This is not happening.

The FRD (Faculdad Regional Delta) has set a necessary and mandatory strategy to entry into engineering careers, and also to stay in the careers and pass an introductory course that consists of 4 subjects: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and University- related Workshop. Consequently, it is intended to adapt quickly the contents that are unknown for the students to the needs of the level they want. The results obtained allowed us to confirm the vital need for the entrance course in order to increase the number of students to the first year and therefore stay relatively constant so that a decrease in the number of students can be avoided.